Additions to the KAS Library June to September 2006
Additions to the KAS Library June to September 2006
Hill Figures of Kent (Dr Mark Hows).
For the Sake of the Children (Peter Hayward).
Sussex Archaeological Collections, Vol.143, 2005.
Revue Historique de Dunkerque et du Littoral, Nos.37 & 38.
Nomina, Vol. 28, 2005.
Surrey Archaeological Collections Vol. 92, 2005.
Archaeologia Cambrensis, Vol.153, 2004.
Anglo Saxon Cemeteries of Kent. Vols 1 & 2. (A. Richardson).
Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Vol. 127, 2005.
Glorious Past – Women and Evangelical Religion in Kent and Northamptonshire (Sibyl Phillips).
Wroxeter Archaeology: Excavation and Research on the Defences of the Town 1968-1992, Vol.CXXVIII.
Archaeometry Vol.48 P.3.
Archaeological Journal, Vol.162, 2005: and “Finland and Tallinn”, Summer Meeting of the R.A.I. 2005, Supplement to Vol.162.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Vol.134, 2005.
Jahresschrift fur Mitteldeutsches Forschgeschichte Band 89. Fornvannen 2006/3.
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, Vol.75.
Suffolk Records Society – “Savage Fortune”, History of the Savage Family.
St. Radigunds Abbey, Dover (Grace Moylan).
Gender and Petty Crime in Late Medieval England; The Local Courts in Kent 1460-1560 (Karen Jones).