www.kentarchaeology.org.uk - the society’s website
The ‘Research’ section continues to grow. The Society’s website now contains over 15,800 individual ‘web pages’. Visitors entered the Website via a total of 10,084 different pages during January this year, with an average daily total of 2,000 visitors.
Archaeologia Cantiana On-Line
At least 1,491 visitors consulted the Introductory Page to the list of all 126 Volumes of Archaeologia Cantiana during January.
The 126 Contents Pages give a complete list of all the articles in Volumes 1 to 126. All five Index Volumes have been added and can also be searched for information. In addition, over 133 articles from Archaeologia Cantiana have been OCR’d and are available to read online.
Kent Maps, Tithe Awards and Schedules
At least 1,762 visitors consulted the Introductory Page to the Tithe Award Schedules now on the website during January.
The project to transcribe the Kent Tithe Award Schedules is continuing well. With the help of many people, particularly Patricia Richardson and Pat Tritton, there are now over 200 individual Tithe Award Schedules from parishes around Kent up on the website. Only 203 to go...! The eventual publishing of the county’s 403 schedules on-line will complement the collection of Tithe Maps covering every Kent parish now available on CD from the Centre for Kentish Studies.
If you would like to contribute a transcription or help with this project, please contact Ted Connell (details below). To view the work carried out so far, log on to www.kentarchaeology.org.uk, click on ‘Research’ and then ‘Kent Maps & Tithe Award Schedules’.
Leland Duncan and others M.I.’s of Kent Churchyards
At least 15,434 visitors were made to the Introductory Page to the Monumental Inscriptions during January.
Leland Lewis Duncan, antiquarian and author, transcribed MIs in about 150 west Kent parish churches over a period of about 40 years, from 1880 to 1923. His unpublished notes and a collection of other papers have been digitally transcribed for the website.
From 1756 to 1760 the Rev Bryan Faussett visited over 115 Churches in East Kent making notes about the church fabric and descriptions of monuments, many of which have long been swept away. These notes were transcribed into six notebooks by our member the Rev Torr during the 1940’s and were donated to our Library on his death. Pat Tritton is now working her way through these, and has typed up over 665 pages of notes on 80 churches, which have been added to the website.
The Victoria County History of Kent Vol. 3 published in 1932
...contains a very useful list of the census figures for each parish in Kent from 1801 to 1921. These pages have now been scanned and added to the website, enabling local history and family history researchers to obtain details of the population of any village in Kent at the click of a button.
A further 320 pages detailing the Romano-British Remains in Kent and the Kent portion of the Domesday Survey and Domesday Monachorum have been added.
A new section entitled Member & others Researches
...has been added to enable various types of record material collected over years to be made available for all to use.
An example is the collection of material built up by Arthur Ruderman, who started researching The History of Ashford in 1967. Arthur has very kindly donated a whole variety of records relating to Ashford to the Society. The three below are now up on the website:
An index that includes the details of all known births, marriages (including those by licence) and burials in Ashford of known persons, and also of those recorded in other parishes, but described as being of Ashford.
An index of the tenant names of the Manors of Ashford and Licktop, compiled about 1540 and added to until the 1920’s.
A listing of the Ashford Manor Court Rolls 1734 to 1925. These provide a great wealth of information on the owners and occupiers of the land, and their relationships. An idea of the change in the economic standing of tenants can often be learnt, since the mortgage of lands had to be declared in the Court.
If you would like to contribute or help with any of these projects, please contact Ted Connell.
To view the work carried out so far, log on to our website at www.kentarchaeology.org.uk, then click on ‘Research’.