Marden Library & Heritage Center
The Marden History Group arose from the involvement of the Marden Society in producing the village’s design statement in 1998.
With the support of villagers we managed to accumulate a significant number of photographs, documents, articles and artefacts that were stored in a caravan, then a stable, the electronic version in members’ homes.
We aspired to exhibit our ‘history collection’ at various village functions and on dedicated ‘history days’, together with selling our booklets, videos and oral histories.
The search for a permanent home where the ‘collection’ could be suitably preserved and exhibited started three years ago and was resolved when the KCC Libraries & Archives Department invited us to rent part of the Marden Library, in line with their diversification policy.
As this was to be the first such partnership in Kent, we had the opportunity to use our imagination to design a functional and attractive Heritage Centre in a fine central location. The Allen Grove History Fund was the first of our benefactors to offer a grant, followed by the Parish Council, our Borough Councillors and our KCC Councillor.
These offers became tangible when the Awards For All Big Lottery offered us their maximum grant of £10,000.
The Heritage Centre was installed and was ready for preview within six weeks.
We have had practical backing from the Centre for Kentish Studies and the Maidstone Museum who have loaned us some palaeolithic hand tools found in the area.
The centre is staffed by over twenty researchers during the eighteen hours a week when the Library is open. Visitors have access to all our history collection in hard copy, the material stored on our computer and laptop as well as through a microfiche reader.
The exhibition for the official opening will be ‘Celebrations’. Future exhibitions will be based on the four seasons.
Our aim is to Seek, Preserve, Research, Inspire interest in and Transmit the history of the Parish of Marden, ‘S.P.R.I.T.’
The Rt. Hon. Ann Widdecombe formally opened the Heritage Centre on 23rd February 2008.
David McFarland
Chair of the Marden History Group