‘Local History in Britain after Hoskins’: A Call for Papers

On July 9-12 July 2009, a collaboration between the British Association for Local History and Leicester University will mark the 50th anniversary of the publication of Local History in England by W.G. Hoskins with a conference. Plenary lectures will be given by John Beckett, David Dymond, and Sarah Pearson.

The Call for Papers on the following themes lasts until 1 September 2008:

  1. History of local history.

  2. Challenges to local history in the 21st century.

  3. Identity and belonging.

  4. Family, population and migration.

  5. Culture and belief.

  6. Sources, methods, and techniques.

  7. Community and society.

  8. Making a living in town and country.

The papers will concern discoveries and interpretations from all periods, making points of general interest through research into particular places. Some contributions will reflect the connection between local history and other disciplines, and show how new methods and approaches work out in practice.

Paper proposals should take the form of a title (maximum 12 words) and a summary of contents (maximum 50 words). The theme (as above) should be clearly indicated. The slot allocated for papers will be 25 minutes maximum. The committee hopes to be able to arrange for the publication of the conference proceedings. Paper presenters will need to register for the conference and pay the registration fee and accommodation charges. Some bursaries may be available.

Interested contributors should contact Christopher Dyer, Email: cd50@le.ac.uk Tel: 0116 252 2765.

For the conference, contact Gill Draper, Events and Development Officer, British Association for Local History, Email: development.balh@btinternet.com


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Allen Grove Local History Fund