What’s On



The very popular series of visits to buildings of interest in Kent will continue this year.

Wednesday 27 May at 2 pm
The Grange at Ramsgate.
Built in 1844 by the architect and designer Augustus Pugin as his family home. More recently, after years of neglect, the building was rescued by the Landmark Trust, and restoration was completed in 2006.

Wednesday 10 June at 2 pm
Luddesdown Court, 13th century manor house, and Dode Church.
This Norman church was deconsecrated in 1387, after the village of Dode was wiped out by the Black Death. It should be noted that places for this visit are limited, so can only be open to the first 20 members who apply. Applications by 1 March please, with a cheque for £5 per person for each visit, payable to the Kent Archaeological Society. Joy Saynor (Hon. Excursion Secretary), 'Friars', 28 High Street, Shoreham, Sevenoaks TN14 7TD. Email: saynor@shorehamkent.wanadoo.co.uk See enclosed booking forms.


Saturday 25 April

A visit is arranged to St Mary of Charity Faversham and then St Catherine, Preston next Faversham. We meet at Faversham at 1.45 for 2pm and go on to St Catherine’s at approximately 3.15.
Tour £2. Tea and biscuits £1 extra.
A booking form for the visit is included in this newsletter. Further details from Philip Lawrence, Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ. Phone: 01622 871945. Email: p.lawrence.801@btinternet.com.



All lectures £2 for members, £3 for non-members who are very welcome.

Saturday 31 January at 6pm
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture Paul Bennett
Canterbury Christ Church University, Old Sessions House, Longport, Canterbury

Friday 27 February at 2pm
The Bargrove Collection Cressida Williams
Canterbury Cathedral Archives

Wednesday 18 March at 7pm
Norman Churches in Kent Mary Berg
Dominican Priory, St Peter’s Lane, Canterbury


A visit is arranged

Thursday 12 February 7.45pm
Recent Archaeological Work Gary Brown, Pre-Construct Archaeology

Thursday 12 March 7.45pm
Westerhanger Castle Terry Whitling

Thursday 9 April 7.30pm
AGM followed by A Close Look at Old Tonbridge Pat Hopcroft & Anthony Wilson


Saturday 14 February
Excavation of Bermondsey Abbey, London Alistair Douglas, Pre-Construct Archaeology

Saturday 7 March
The Making of Christian England: the Story of Canterbury’s World Heritage Site Martin Taylor, Independent Historian
Meetings held in Ramsay Lecture Theatre, Canterbury Christ Church University at 6pm. Non-members very welcome, cost £2.00.


Saturday 14 February
Stuart London – the expansion of London westwards in the 17th century, the disasters which befell it and the new institutions which developed Ian Bevan

Saturday 14 March
History of the English Country House, 1600-Edwardian John Vigar

Saturday 18 April
AGM and President’s Lecture
All talks held in The Baker Trust Hall, Crayford at 7.30pm. Non-members are welcome to attend at a fee of £2.00 per lecture. Enquiries to Mrs J Hearn-Gillham: 01322 551279.


Canterbury Christ Church University


Regicide: The Contexts of the 1649 Kent Petition for the Trial of Charles I

Saturday 7 February 10am – 4pm
Although public opinion in Kent has been depicted as strongly anti-Parliament in the aftermath of the Second Civil War, a petition calling for the trial and execution of the King was circulated in the county early in January 1649. It attracted 1,135 signatures including some of the town councillors of Canterbury, Sandwich and Hythe and members of independent church congregations. Their names were headed by William Kenwrick of Boughton under Blean, who was one of the five representatives from Kent to the Nominated or Barebones Parliament of 1653. The petition has been regarded as a fraud, but it can also be argued that the petition demonstrates that there was active, but limited, support for the regicide in Kent. The conference will contextualise the Kent Petition.


10.00-10.30 Arrival and Coffee

10.30 Welcome by Professor Barr y Coward, Birkbeck London University.
The 1649 Petition for the Trial of Charles I from Kent, Professor Jackie Eales, Canterbury Christ Church University.
10.45 Why was Charles I Executed? Professor Clive Holmes (Oxford)
11.45 Preaching to the Long Parliament: The Justification of Rebellion and Regicide, Dr Stephen Roberts, Canterbury Christ Church University.
12.45 - 2.00 Lunch
2.00 ‘On behalf of the people of England’: the trial of Charles Stuart, Professor Ann Hughes, Keele University.
3.00 The Kent Regicides, Dr Jason Peacey, University College, London University.
4.00 Closing remarks

Registration £12 (£8.50 for postgraduates), lunch will be available at an additional cost of £10.50. For further details and registration form please contact Professor Jackie Eales, History Department, Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1QU. Email: jackie.eales@canterbury.ac.uk


Birkbeck College - Faculty of Lifelong Learning

Industrial Archaeology Study Day

Saturday 21 March 10am-5pm

£40/£20 concession

This study day will enable students to explore Britain's industrial heritage by looking at a number of topics including materials, energy, transport, and industrial architecture. Full programme will be available nearer the date. For more information please contact the Executive Officer for Archaeology on: 020 7631 6627 or email: archaeology@bbk.ac.uk.

You can also find full details about courses at http://www.bbk.ac.uk/study/all_courses/archaeology.html

Egyptology with Frances Williams

For University of Kent courses, contact details are given in listings. For all other courses/study days/tours, please contact Frances Williams on fwipeittse@hotmail.com, 25 Orchard Way, Horsmonden TN12 8LA; tel: 01892 723013 or 07789 661 616.

  • Ancient Egyptian Glass and Faience: March 3 for 6 weeks. Canterbury 2-4pm.

  • Hieroglyph workshop: March 3 for 6 weeks. Canterbury 7-9pm. Details to be announced.

  • Ancient Egyptian Glass and Faience: March 5 for 6 weeks. Tonbridge 10am-12pm. Venue to be announced.

  • Dynasty 25 & the Nubian Pharaohs: May 14 for 6 weeks. Tonbridge 10am-12pm. Venue to be announced.

  • Decoding Ancient Egyptian Art - an introduction to the conventions and use of symbolism: On 3 linked Mondays - June 22, June 29 & July 6. Canterbury 11am-4pm.

Study Days

Learn to read Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: June 6 - Day school at University of Kent campus, Canterbury. A user-friendly study day designed for anyone who would like to begin to read hieroglyphs. Contact V.J.Woolnough@kent.ac.uk.

Before Giza: the predynastic archaeology of Early Egypt: June 20 - Dayschool at University of Kent Tonbridge Centre. Contact V.J.Woolnough@kent.ac.uk.

Study Tours to Egypt

Time Travellers' 09 Study Tour to Luxor - exploring a sacred landscape: April 20 - 27. Travel arrangements by Bales Worldwide. Seminars and site visits including temples of Luxor and Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Deir el-Bahri, tombs of the Nobles and Deir el-Medina; accompanied throughout by Frances Williams and Amr el-Helly.

Time Travellers' 09 Tour to Egypt for the more experienced traveller; details to be announced; accompanied throughout by Frances Williams and Amr el-Helly; provisional dates October 20-27. (Please note that it may be necessary to alter details as indicated above.)

Events Elsewhere

Conference: Local History After Hoskins

University of Leicester

July 9-12

Several members of the Kent Archaeological Society will be speaking at this conference organised by the University of Leicester with the British Association for Local History.

Among many other speakers, Sarah Pearson will be giving the plenary lecture with the title "Sandwich: "the completest medieval town in England". An interdisciplinary study"

Professor David Killingray will speak on The Impact of Immigrant Communities on British Local History.

Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh will speak on Hythe's butcher-graziers: Townsmen in the late medieval Kent countryside.

Dr Gill Draper will speak on Death in a town: Rye, East Sussex, in the fourteenth century.

The programme and booking form is available online at the websites of the British Association for Local History and the Centre for English Local History, University of Leicester, http://www.le.ac.uk/elh/documents/Proof3.pdf. For a paper copy of the programme and booking form please contact Gill Draper on g.m.draper@kent.ac.uk or 01732 452575.

The last 'Hoskins' conference on landscape history sold out, so please book promptly! There is a discount for bookings before March. There are some bursaries available to help with costs, particularly for post-graduates and people living in Kent. Contact Gill Draper for details.

Tebbutt Research Fund

Grants are available towards research into any aspect of the WEALDEN IRON INDUSTRY or subjects pertaining to it.

Applicants may be individual or groups, and the application can include any associated expenses, such as travelling and photocopying.

It is anticipated that some £100 plus will be available from the fund. The applicant should write a letter giving details of themselves together with relevant information concerning the research envisaged.

This should be sent by the 31st March 2009 to:

David Brown, Hon. Sec. Wealden Iron Research Group.


The Society in Greater London


Committee Round-Up