A.G.M. 2009

Maidstone will be the location of the Society's annual general meeting on Saturday the 16th May this year. The meeting will be in the morning and we hope to be supported by you and the attendance of plenty of other members.

After the business there will be a presentation about the Society's work and other topics of current interest. Full details will be in the next Newsletter.

The results of the elections will be announced at the A.G.M. Nominations can be submitted for any office or membership of the Council; it is the sign of an active society if there is competition for office. We need a new Hon. General Secretary and, at the time of writing this note, no volunteers have come forward. If you are interested please contact us.

Any five members can propose a candidate for election as a member of the Council or as an officer. Nominations have to be received by the Hon. General Secretary by the 1st March at the latest and must be accompanied by the written consent of the candidate.

Further information and guidance can be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary Mr A.L. Moffat. Although a special nomination form does not have to be used, he can supply a suitable form.


Canterbury Archaeological Trust: Can we contribute to your Event?


The Society in Greater London