Help! We still need a new Hon. General Secretary

The Council is still seeking a candidate for appointment as Hon. General Secretary (HGS) to succeed Andrew Moffat when he retires. Despite notices in this Newsletter not one person has expressed any interest or suggested someone else as a potential candidate. The Council is now having to look outside the Society for a candidate which is not very satisfactory. It is not too late for you to volunteer - or at least find out more!

The Hon. General Secretary is an Officer of the Society and the office is not paid but most expenses are reimbursed. It offers an excellent opportunity to be involved in many aspects of the Society's work and to know what is going on in many spheres of archaeology and local history in the County and beyond.

The Council is prepared to look at spreading the work between two or more people; if you might consider helping the HGS in this way please let us know. It is hoped the candidate will take office later this year or early next year. In the meantime he or she could understudy the present HGS to learn the job and ensure a smooth transition.

If you are interested or would just like more information please contact him.


What’s On


The Victoria County History England’s Past for Everyone Project: Volunteer Researchers in the Medway Towns