What’s On

KAS Events

KAS Churches Committee

Visit to Dover St. Mary and St. Margaret-at-Cliffe

Saturday 26 September

More than 60 places of worship in Kent have been visited in this continuing series organised by the Churches Committee. We meet at Dover St. Mary at 1.45 for 2pm and go on to St. Margaret-at-Cliffe at around 3.15pm. A booking form is included in this Newsletter.

KAS Historic Buildings Committee

Historic Buildings Conference

Saturday 17 October

Harrietsham Community Centre

9.30am for 10am, until 4pm

This year's Conference has a Tudor theme, with talks by the eminent historian Dr David Starkey, CBE: The Tudors and Ightham Mote; Andrew Linklater (Canterbury Archaeological Trust): Homestead to House: Tudor Building Revolution; Richard Filmer: Bricks and Brickwork; and Dr Andrew Richardson: The KAS Landscape Survey Project. Tickets £10 each. Lunch available £6 each. A booking form is included in this Newsletter.

Peopling Past Landscapes

Saturday 3 October

See page 8.

KAS Lectures in the Library

England 1720-1830 with Dr. Jacqueline Bower

20 meetings from 21 September

10.15am - 12.15pm at a cost of £80.00

This was a time of rising population, industrialisation and pressure to reform at home; wars, revolutions and acquisition of Empire abroad. This class will study these topics, and their impact on the lives of the people of England. A booking form is included in this Newsletter.

Early Modern Kent 1500-1700 with Dr. Jacqueline Bower

20 meetings from 21 September

2 - 4pm at a cost of £80.00

This was a time of great religious and political change and uncertainty, but also a time of great prosperity in Kent. It is also a period rich in sources for the economic and social history of the county. This class will look at the Reformation and Civil War in Kent, at agriculture and industry, and at documents illustrating the lives of ordinary people in the county. A booking form is included in this Newsletter.

Wotton Survey

Workshop led by Dr. Jacqueline Bower

Would you like to join a group currently working on the survey of the estates of Thomas Wotton, made in 1590? Participants acquire palaeography and research skills while producing a transcript of an important document for eventual publication on the KAS website. To enrol please return the form enclosed in this Newsletter or ring Joy Sage on 01622 762924.

Events Around Kent

Maidstone Area Archaeological Group

Open Day at East Farleigh Roman Villa Excavation

Sunday 2 August

Between 11.30am and 3.30pm.

All visitors are welcome. If anyone needs directions or other information please contact Linda Weekes on maag.info@tesco.net or ring 01622 762422.

Council for Kentish Archaeology Conference

Lost Cities in the Mediterranean

Saturday 24 October

2.00pm - 5.30pm

Old Sessions Lecture Theatre

Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road, Canterbury

Pompeii - Living under the Volcano Dr David Plummer

Cyprus - The Lost Roman Coastal Cities Edna Mynott

Leptis Magna - The African Queen Ruth Plummer

Tickets £4, available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP. Please send SAE. Website www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk

Crofton Roman Villa

Holiday Events

Life in the Roman Army

Sunday 26 July 10am-4.30pm

Meet Lucius, a Roman legionary, and Brinni, an auxiliary, and find out about their lives as Roman soldiers, with replica armour, weapons and equipment. Children: dress as a soldier and join a Roman legion. Diplomas awarded to those who learn how to drill. No booking needed, just 'pop-in'. Children to be accompanied. Entry: adults £2, children £1.

Every Wednesday in August:

Ancient Legends and Heroes

Come and listen to stories of ancient Greek heroes and their exciting adventures, then make a picture about it to take home. Story reading starts at 10.30am and 2.30pm. No booking needed. Children to be accompanied (suitable for children 6-12 years). Entry: adults £1, children 80p.

Every Friday in August:

The Life of Roman Boys and Girls

Discover how children lived nearly 2000 years ago. What happened when a Roman baby was born? Experience a Roman lesson, learn some Latin and play a Roman game. Make a Roman child's lucky charm to take home and join in a quiz to win a Roman badge and certificate. Sessions start at 10.30am and 2.30pm. Children to be accompanied. (suitable for children 5-12 years). Entry: adults £1, children 80p. For further details on any event tel: 020 8460 1442

University of Kent, Tonbridge Centre

Local History Modules

September 2009 - June 2010

The following modules are offered on the Certificate and Diploma in Local History run by the School of History, University of Kent, at its Tonbridge centre on Tuesdays (daytime) between 29 September 2009 and 15 June 2010:

  • The Maritime History of South East England (Chris Ware)

  • Palaeography, Documents and Sources (Sheila Sweetinburgh and Gill Draper)

  • The Landscape of Kent to 1500 (Gill Draper)

  • Peasant Society (Sheila Sweetinburgh)

Further information from g.m.draper@kent.ac.uk or 01732 452575 or tonbridgeadmin@kent.ac.uk or 01732 352316.

Smarden Local History Society

Meetings are free to members. Non-members are welcome at all meetings at an admission charge of £2 which includes tea/coffee and biscuits.

  • Thursday 17 September: 'We Bought us an Oast'

  • Saturday 10 October: Exhibition 2pm to 4pm

  • Thursday 5 November: AGM + Smarden WWII War Memorial

  • Thursday 17 December: Christmas Party

All meetings take place at 8pm in Smarden Charter Hall. The Exhibition on Saturday will also be in the Hall.

Events Elsewhere

CBA South East Annual Conference 2009

Death and Remembrance: an archaeological viewpoint

Saturday 31 October

10.00am - 17.00pm

Redhill Methodist Centre, Gloucester Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1BP


  • Introduction by Andrew Richardson, Chair, CBA SE

  • Roman period burials in Sussex David Rudling (University of Sussex)

  • The archaeological evidence for the emergence of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in South East England Dr Martin Welch (UCL)

  • The Black Death of 1348-50 in Southern England Prof. Tom James (University of Winchester)

  • Pets, Pals and Patriots: 21st Century Trends in Death and Disposal on the South Downs. Maire McQueeney (Author)

  • AGM

  • In their flowing cups: memories, myths and person kinds in Beaker funerary ritual Dr Paul Garwood (University of Birmingham)

  • Two 1st Century AD 'Warrior Burials' from Ashford in Kent Casper Johnson & Jim Stevenson (East Sussex CC and ASE)

  • What do funerals mean? Dr Jake Weekes (Canterbury Archaeological Trust)


Tea/coffee available at breaks. Tickets £20 CBA SE Members, £25 non-members. Further details available from Steve and Eva Corbett, 4 Ditchling Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 8LS, email: cbase@scorbett.co.uk, tel: 01273 905004.


New Books


The Great Rolls of the Pipe and the Kent Pipe Roll Project