Canterbury Archaeological Society Research and Publication Grants

The Society has limited funds available to award a grant to individuals researching any aspect of the archaeology and history of the Canterbury district. It is envisaged that a grant would not normally exceed £500. Preference would be given to work resulting in publication.

Your letter should mention:

  • Your qualifications

  • The nature and length of your research

  • The stage you have reached in your research

  • The amount you are applying for

  • Any additional funding anticipated from other sources

  • Your proposals for publication

  • Your anticipated timetable

You may be asked to name a referee whom the Committee making the grant could consult. If successful, you would be expected to account for the money spent and give a copy of any article, pamphlet etc, to the Society’s library.

For further details, please contact the Honorary Secretary of the Grants Committee: Mrs C M Short


Roman quern stone from East Farleigh


KAS Library: Book Storage