HER Volunteers Wanted

Volunteer work within the Kent Historic Environment Record (HER)

The Historic Environment Record for Kent is the prime county record for information on archaeological sites, historic buildings and landscapes, archaeological events and sources. It is maintained by Kent County Council in Maidstone and consists of over 42,000 records, stored in a computerized database and linked to a mapping system.

The information in the HER comes from a range of sources – archaeological projects carried out as part of the development control system, academic and other researchers, national projects and casual or chance discoveries. Similarly, it is used for a range of purposes – to inform planning decisions and archaeological projects, as a basis for archaeological research and for education, public access and outreach projects.

An enormous amount of new archaeological work is carried out each year – we receive over 350 archaeological reports annually, in addition to the results of a large number of research projects. All of this information needs to be added to the HER so that it is accessible for those who want to use it.

Kent County Council is looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would be willing to help add this information to the HER and thereby play a critical role in the conservation of Kent’s heritage. We are also aware that some volunteers will have extensive knowledge of their own and we hope that they will feel able to add this to our existing information.

What would I do?

Volunteers work within our HER team, helping to create new HER records from our resource of archaeological reports. We provide full training (no prior experience is assumed) and support during your volunteer period. You work through the archaeological reports, compare them with existing records and, as appropriate, either add information to existing records or create completely new ones. Most of this work is based on the reports alone, but sometimes it is necessary to use aerial photographs, historic maps or other documentary sources to enhance the record.

What would I learn?

Lots! Volunteers wishing to make a career in archaeology will gain vital experience of working with a real HER in a busy county Heritage team. They will learn about the thinking process behind HERs, the software used and how information is gathered and managed. Volunteers who are just interested in making a contribution to Kent’s heritage will learn about the very latest archaeological discoveries in the county, much more about their own area or theme of interest and how a busy county unit operates.

Who can volunteer?

Anyone with an interest in the heritage of Kent and an understanding of UK archaeology. You might be an undergraduate studying archaeology, a member of a local history or archaeology society, a graduate or archaeologist looking for more experience or a member of the public with good knowledge of the past who wants to become involved in Kent’s heritage in a meaningful way.

How can I find out more?

To learn more please contact me and I will be happy to chat to you or to welcome you if you’d like to make a visit first.

Ben Croxford
Historic Environment Record Officer
Tel: 01622 223528


Phillipott’s ‘Villare Cantianum’ 1659

