What’s On



Visit to Chevening House
Tuesday 5 April, 10am - 12.30

A two hour visit to every part of the house, conducted by Col. R.P.D. Brooks, Sec. to the Board of Trustees.

Cost £15.00 each. Refreshments included.

Numbers are very limited and a second visit this year is not possible.

To reserve a place please contact Joy Saynor by February 1st on 01959 522713 or saynor@shorehamkent.wanadoo.co.uk


Living through the Reformation at St Dunstan’s, Canterbury
Saturday 9 April 10am - 4.30pm

St Dunstan’s Church Hall, London Road, Canterbury

Two morning lectures including: ‘Religious changes and impact on the parish’ Professor Ken Fincham

Four afternoon workshops looking at the church before and after the changes – studying the building and church documents.

Cost £12.00 each including lunch, tea and coffee.

Booking form – see enclosed flyer in newsletter or go to www.kentarchaeology.org.uk or by post from (include SAE):

Mrs J. Davidson, 7 Chatsworth Rd, Gillingham ME7 1DS, 01634 324004 or jacalyn.davidson@canterbury-cathedral.org


Saturday 30 April
St Botolph’s, Lullingstone & St Martin of Tours, Eynsford

Please meet at 1.45 for 2pm starting at St Botolph’s (postcode DA4 0JA; grid ref TQ528644).

Parking is available outside the castle wall.

We will then move on to St Martin of Tours (postcode DA4 0EH; grid ref TQ540654).

Cost £5 each, to include tea and biscuits at Eynsford.

Please register by contacting the Church Visits Secretary, Jackie Davidson, jacalyn.davidson@btinternet.com or 01634 324004.

Dates of all Churches Committee visits this year can be found in the diary at www.kentarchaeology.org.uk.


Lectures by Dr Jackie Bower in Maidstone Museum, Faith Street, Maidstone.


Mondays 10.15am – 12.15pm from 9 May for six weeks (excluding Bank Holidays)

The class will look at the lives and careers of men and women of Victorian Britain who made a contribution to national life or are remembered for significant personal achievements. Cost £30.


Mondays 2 – 4pm from 9 May for 6 weeks (excluding Bank Holidays)

The class will study London in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when it was the world’s greatest city, at the centre of the British Empire. Topics may include the growth of the metropolis, transport, public health and housing, and the Port of London. Cost £30.

For further information contact Joy Sage at the museum or 01622 762942.


Trust for Thanet Archaeology Dr David Perkins Memorial Conference

26 March from 2 - 4:30 pm

Broadstairs Campus of Canterbury Christchurch University

An afternoon of lectures and discussions led by friends and colleagues to celebrate the life and work of the first Director of the Trust for Thanet Archaeology who died in August 2010.

Tickets £5.00 (£3.00 students).

Further details of speakers and ticket reservation will be available from the Trust’s website, www.thanetarch.co.uk, in January 2011.

Proceeds and donations from the memorial conference will go toward a fund to prepare Dr Perkins’ unpublished excavation reports for publication.

Maidstone Area Archaeological Group Indoor Meetings on Fridays from 7.30 - 9.30pm, 21 January

Archaeological Excavations at Margetts Pit, Kent by Mark Williams, Wessex Archaeology

  • 18 February: Domesday Kent by David Carder

  • 18 March: Recent Archaeological Work in East Kent by Keith Parfitt, Canterbury Archaeological Trust

  • 15 April: Annual General Meeting

  • 20 May: Ordnance Survey Maps - Ancient and Modern by Colin Brown

  • 17 June: LIDAR & the Archaeology of Ashdown Forest by Lyn Palmer

Council for Kentish Archaeology Joint Conference with the Kent Local History Federation & Bromley Local History Society

Saturday 7 May from 9.15am

Aspects of the Archaeology and History of Bromley Borough

Illustrated talks on archaeological discoveries by Brian Philp, and Bromley’s historic past by local historians, followed by site tours (in the afternoon) of archaeological sites and historic buildings

Held at Crofton Halls, York Rise, off Crofton Road, Orpington BR6 8PR.

Morning free for Friends of the CKA; there may be a charge in the afternoon


Kent Police College, off Sutton Road (A274), Maidstone.

Admission free (non-members £1).

Bexley Archaeological Group

  • Saturday 26 February 'Dendrochronology' with Dr Martin Bridges (Oxford Dendrochronology Lab and UCL)

  • Saturday 12 March 'Place Names and Local Archaeology' with Sue Harrington (UCL)

  • Saturday 14 May Dayschool/workshop on 'The Archaeology of Human Evolution' led by Dr Tim Reynolds, Birkbeck

All events from 10am - 4.30pm
Cost: £20 (£15 if member of BAG)

Venue: Bexley-Sidcup Conservative Club, 19 Station Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA17 5EB

To book a place contact: Pip Puffer, Principal Field Officer, 07961 893693 or pipsap4@hotmail.co.uk, www.bag.org.uk

Annual training excavation takes place 1-5 August. For further information, contact Pip Puffer.

Loose Area History Society

  • Monday 14 March 'The Heartbeat Years', an illustrated talk by Roy Ingleton

  • Monday 11 April 'Old Maidstone Firms Sharp’s Toffee, breweries and Clarkes the Furnishers', a talk by Andrew Clarke

  • Monday 9 May 'The History of Loose Allotments', a talk by Molly Procter

  • Monday 13 June at 7.30pm Guided tour of St Lawrence Church, Mereworth, by Andrew Wells, churchwarden and author of a history of the church

  • Monday 11 July 11 at 7pm Visit to Lashenden Air Warfare Museum, Headcorn Aerodrome

  • Monday 10 October 'Hazards of the Journey Pilgrimage and Travel', a talk by Imogen Corrigan

Monday 14 November 'Despatches from the Home Front', a talk by Chris McCooey

Monday 12 December 'A Shopping trip in Downe in a bygone era', an illustrated talk by Barbara Stevens

Unless otherwise indicated all meetings are held at Loose Infant School Hall, Loose Road, Loose, Maidstone, Kent, starting at 7.30pm.

Non-members welcome Admission £2.50 Pay at the door Free parking in school grounds.

Enquiries, 01622 741198 or www.looseareahistorysociety.webeden.co.uk

To reserve a place on the visits to St Lawrence Church and Lashenden Air Warfare Museum contact Jenny Harrison, jenny@jennyh.wanadoo.co.uk or 01622 745067.

Crayford Manor House Historical & Archaeological Society

  • Saturday 12 March 'How Charing got its Cross' by John Halligan

  • Saturday 16 April AGM and President’s Lecture

All meetings held at The Baker Trust Hall, Maxim Road, Crayford at 7pm for 7.30pm. Non-members welcome to attend at a fee of £3.00 per lecture.

Enquiries to Mrs J. Hearn-Gillham, 01322. 551279, or janet.hearn-gillham@ntlworld.com

Canterbury Archaeological Society

Ramsey Lecture Theatre, Canterbury Christ Church University

Saturday 5 March at 6pm Investigations at Bekesbourne – the history of a Kentish village by David Gilmour

Friends of CAT and other visitors most welcome. £2 per lecture.


Grants are available towards research into any aspect of the


or subjects pertaining to it

Applicants may be individuals or groups and the application can include any associated expenses, such as travelling and photocopying.

It is anticipated that some £500 plus will be available from the fund. The applicant should write a letter giving details of themselves together with relevant information concerning the research envisaged.


David Brown, Hon Sec,
Wealden Iron Research Group,
2 West Street Farm Cottages,
Maynards Green, Heathfield,
Sussex TN21 0DG
Registered Charity No. 281485


You can make a difference


Excavations at Mill Hill, Deal by W.P.D. Stebbing