Surrey Archaeological Society: Archaeological Fieldwalking
[pg3]A one-day Symposium to be held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, on Saturday 26th October 1985 10am to 5pm.
The aim of this Symposium is to compare the techniques and results of a number of fieldwalking projects carried out recently in Southern England. The Excavations Committee of the Surrey Archaeological Society subsequently hopes to produce a recommended standard method of walking a field, recording finds and publishing results to enable comparisons to be made between different areas within the county and possibly within the region.
The programme of talks will include:
Surface Sampling Approaches with Particular Reference to The Stonehenge Area - Julian Richards (Trust for Wessex Archaeology)
Fieldwalking in Hampshire - Richard Whinney (Winchester District Archaeologist)
Maddle Farm Project (Berks) - Vince Gaffney/Mog Tingle
Silchester Survey - Mark Corney (RCHM - England)
Fieldwalking in Kent - Brian Philp (Kent Rescue Unit)
Fieldwalking in Sussex - Robin Holgate (Institute of Archaeology)
Fee: with Lunch £5.80, without lunch £3.50
Remittances please, payable to S.A.S., to Mrs Susan Janaway, Fieldwalking Symposium, S.A.S., Castle Arch, Guildford GU1 3SX