Archaeology at Work 1985
Our third Archaeology at Work meeting will take place from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, 28th September, at the Sevenoaks School for Girls (formerly Hatton School), situated in Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks, on the A25 just west of the junction with the A225. Sevenoaks Railway Station is approximately 15-20 minutes' walk away.
The format will be very much as before, comprising a mixture of static exhibitions, practical demonstrations, talks and teach-ins on a number of subjects related to archaeology and local history. Here then is your opportunity to extend or perhaps share your knowledge of a particular subject that interests you, together with a chance to see and hear about some other aspects of archaeology and local history.
There will be six classrooms arranged around the large open area, together with the large Auditorium for more formal lectures.
Subjects to be covered will include: Aerial Archaeology, Ceramic Building Materials, the work of the County Museums Service, with talks and displays on conservation of finds, and the results of the recent photographic survey of artifacts of archaeological interest. Of special interest to members will be the work related to the Kent Heritage Survey, with the opportunity to help with this most important project. There will be a number of talks in the main hall, including Scientific Techniques in Archaeology by Dr John Evans, and Otford Palace by Anthony Stoyel.
It is hoped that visitors will wander around, joining in or just looking and listening, spending as little or as long in each area as they wish. All the activities will run simultaneously, with some being repeated later in the day so that participants can plan their day accordingly, seeing first those areas which interest them most.
All are welcome, K.A.S. Members, Affiliated Society members and any interested people, but admission is by a free ticket which can be obtained by sending a S.A.E. 4ins x 9ins to: Archaeology at Work 1985, Ted Connell.
To make a really successful day we need you to be there. Please come along and join us. It should be an enjoyable day and perhaps we shall all learn something new.