What’s On
Tonbridge School Chapel & Tonbridge Parish Church
Saturday 28 April
Please meet at 1.45 for 2pm start at Tonbridge School Chapel (postcode TN10 3AD). Parking available on Tonbridge School Quad Avenue entrance off London Road not High Street entrance. Parking also on local roads near Tonbridge School and town car parks.
After the School visit, we will walk about 300 metres to the Parish Church. Cars may be left on the School Quad.
There is a small disabled parking car park at the church (postcode TN9 1HD).
The cost of the visits is £5, to include tea and biscuits at Tonbridge Parish Church. Please register by emailing or telephoning the Churches Visits Secretary, Jackie Davidson - Jacalyn.davidson@BTInternet.com or 01634 324004.
Dates of all visits in 2012 can be found in the diary at www.kentarchaeology.org.uk
The Oxford Movement & its Legacy
Saturday 14th April 2012, 10.00-16.00
Holy Trinity church hall, Folkestone
Three morning lectures including ‘The Oxford Movement’ by Dean Michael Chandler & ‘Medieval symbolism and Durandus’ Canon Christopher Irvin.
Three afternoon workshops looking at the Oxford Movement & its legacy – studying documents from Canterbury Cathedral Library, Holy Trinity church and its documents.
£15.00 including lunch, tea and coffee.
For booking form go to: www.kentarchaeology.org.uk
Or by post from (include SAE) Mrs J. Davidson, 7 Chatsworth Rd, Gillingham ME7 1DS.
Tel: 01634 324004 (home); email: jacalyn.davidson@btinternet.com
KAS Historic Buildings Committee
Visit to Knole on Tuesday May 1st 2012 at 10.30am.
The proposed visit will take in the Retainer’s Gallery, the Gatehouse Tower, Pigeon Lofts and East Attics. These areas are not normally open to the public. There will be a charge of £15 payable to the National Trust. There is a limit on numbers so if you are interested please either email Mike Clinch at mike@mikeclinch.co.uk or telephone 01322 524425. This visit will not be suitable for anyone with mobility problems.
Classes are on Mondays at a cost of £35 for 6 weeks starting after Easter
This class will look at the lives and careers of British men and women who achieved personal success, or made a contribution to national life, in the early twentieth century.
This class will study the history of the American colonies from the earliest voyages of exploration to the American Revolution. Topics will include the role of the European nations in American colonisation; the origins of the Thirteen Colonies; their different characteristics; their relations with the Native American Peoples; their economic development; the wars of the eighteenth century; the road to independence and the Revolutionary war.
INVESTIGATING THE ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY OF KENT JOINT STUDY DAY organised by University of Kent with the Council for Kentish Archaeology and the KAS
Saturday 14 April
2.00 – 5.30 pm
Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury
Publications on aspects of the history and archaeology of Kent will be on sale on the day.
Topics include:-
East Farleigh Villa Excavations - Albert Daniels
East Cliff Villa, Folkestone - Keith Parfitt
Reculver and Dover Forts - Brian Philp
Roman Thanet - Ges Moody
Parking is available on the university campus.
Buses to the University run from close to Canterbury
Saturday 28 January
Frank Jenkins Memorial Lecture
The annual review of the past year’s work by the Archaeological Trust by Dr Paul Bennett (Director, C.A.T.) A joint event with the Canterbury Archaeological Society. 6.00pm.
Thursday 16 February
An update on Roman Canterbury
A symposium with speakers from Canterbury Archaeological Trust
6.30 pm, Keynes College, Lecture Theatre 5, University of Kent.
Thursday 22 March
Policing the Past: Seven Years of Tackling Heritage Crime in Kent and beyond
Andrew Richardson (Finds Manager, C.A.T.)
7.00 pm, Canterbury (details will be available later).
For all events which do not have a stated charge, FCAT requests a donation of £2.00 for members, £3.00 for non-members, and £1.00 for students, to cover costs and to help to support the activities of the Archaeological Trust.
Saturday 11 February
The Suburban Home Front in the Second World War rationing, clothes, Dig for Victory, gas masks, the blackout and more. Illustrated with artefacts - Mike Brown.
Saturday 10 March
Traditional Kentish Building Materials
An illustrated presentation examining, through vernacular architecture, the contribution that Kent’s natural and traditional materials have made in creating the texture of the local landscape - Richard Filmer.
Saturday 21 April
AGM and President’s Lecture
All meetings are held at The Baker Trust Hall, Maxim Road, Crayford at 7pm for 7.30pm. Non-members are welcome to attend lectures at a fee of £3 per lecture (except for December when there will be an additional charge).
Enquiries to Mrs. J. Hearn-Gillham - 01322.551279 or e-mail janet.hearn-gillham@ntlworld.com. Details of the Society’s summer excursions from Mr. L. Davies - 01322.525335.
15 February
Queen Victoria’s Dreadful Uncles - Sheila Boyd.
21 March
Some Historic Kentish Towns - David Carder.
18 April
The Great Flood of 1953 - Bronwen M Sadler.
20 June
AGM followed by The Queen’s Jubilee - Peter Hartley.
We also organise a coach trip to a venue of interest, this year it will be held in May. The Society meets in the Village Hall at 7.40pm.
Visitors are welcome at £2.50.
Saturday 28 January
Ceramic Building Materials Workshop led by Dr Phil Mills of University of Leicester
Cost £25 (non-members of BAG), £20 members.
Saturday 25 February
Glass workshop led by John Shepherd
Cost £20 (non-members of BAG), £15 members.
To be held at Bexley-Sidcup Conservative Club, 19 Station Road, Sidcup DA15 7EB.
To book a place please contact Pip Pulfer pipspad@hotmail.co.uk or call 07961 963 893. www.bag.org.uk