Notes from the Archive: The Curator, the Camera and the Survey

From the Papers of the Hon. Henry A. Hannen (d. 1933).

"There was a fair attendance of members at the annual meeting of the Kent County Photographic Record and Survey, which was held in the Bentlif Art Gallery of the Maidstone Museum on Wednesday afternoon."

Maidstone Gazette, June 1 1912

A cutting from the Maidstone Gazette reporting the 1912 annual meeting of the Kent Photographic Record and Survey meeting is found among the papers of the Hon. Henry A. Hannen in a section which consists mainly of lists. There are lists of historic houses, castles and churches in Kent as well as lists of sources and images relating to them. The lists represent Hannen’s participation in the fashion for surveys and show an awareness of photography’s potential for recording and sharing information.

The Kent Photographic Record and Survey was launched with the support of the South Eastern Scientific Societies in 1904. The purpose the Survey was: to preserve by photographic processes, records


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