Thames Defence Research Group


This informal organisation provides an umbrella for continuing - and expanding - research of the generality of the Thames defences at a serious study level, with both academic and popular outputs. Related strategic industries in the Thames area may come to be embraced in their own right and would certainly be in the frame for discussion of targets for attack in any relevant period.

The Thames Defence Research Group is open to those with an interest in researching, recording and promulgating a knowledge and awareness of the historic defences of the Thames. All periods are covered and the geographical scope takes in the military, naval (and from the 20th century) civil and air defence sites from London to the extremity of the estuary and the near hinterland.

  • Academic papers have been prepared on two of the riverside forts and others are planned.

  • Survey of defensive sites has taken place, with others scheduled.

  • An updated popular publication on the generality of the Thames defences is being researched.

  • A start has been made on an historic defences trail booklet.

  • Linked with this is intended to create a sites database and map available to all.

  • Public engagement through talks and others means will take place.

  • At a ‘fun’ level it is hoped to produce a ‘Horrible History’ of the Thames defences.

Enquiries about participation to:
Victor Smith BA FSA
65 Stonebridge Road
Kent DA11 9BA
Tel: 01474 323415

Simulating the use of a Depression Range-Finder with a theodolite at New Tavern Fort, Gravesend.

This informal organisation provides an umbrella for continuing - and expanding - research of the generality of the Thames defences at a serious study level, with both academic and popular outputs. Related strategic industries in the Thames area may come to be embraced in their own right and would certainly be in the frame for discussion of targets for attack in any relevant period.

The Thames Defence Research Group is open to those with an interest in researching, recording and promulgating a knowledge and awareness of the historic defences of the Thames. All periods are covered and the geographical scope takes in the military, naval (and from the 20th century) civil and air defence sites from London to the extremity of the estuary and the near hinterland.

  • Academic papers have been prepared on two of the riverside forts and others are planned.
  • Survey of defensive sites has taken place, with others scheduled.
  • An updated popular publication on the generality of the Thames defences is being researched.
  • A start has been made on an historic defences trail booklet.
  • Linked with this is intended to create a sites database and map available to all.
  • Public engagement through talks and others means will take place.
  • At a ‘fun’ level it is hoped to produce a ‘Horrible History’ of the Thames defences.

Enquiries about participation to:
Victor Smith BA FSA
65 Stonebridge Road
Kent DA11 9BA
Tel: 01474 323415


Boxley Warren - heritage survey results


New Industrial Archaeology Committee