
Dear Editor,

I have attached a copy of a photograph that I found in my mother’s papers. The print is only 3 ½ by 2 ½ inches and taken sometime during the 1930’s or possibly earlier. It is clear enough to show some details so I am sure it would be recognisable if the building is still around. It shows an old farmhouse - two timber framed buildings with a Kentish ragstone wall at the end, and an oast with a window inserted - not quite an early conversion but obviously no longer used as an oast.

The site is likely to be in North West Kent as Mum came from Bromley Common. She was a keen walker so the area could be widened out from there. As she had mounted the photo in an album the picture must have had some significance to her so I am curious to find out more about it.

I hope someone can identify the place.

Pat Hooper
Please contact the editor on newsletter@kentarchaeology.org with information.



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