Knole Visit

With the co-operation of the staff at Knole, the KAS Historic Buildings Committee organised a visit to those parts of the building that are not normally available to the public and indeed, after the restoration work, will not be seen in their original state again.

Comments from the group included the following:

“It was a most successful visit to Knole with a stunning tour guided by both the Property Manager, Helen, and the Archaeologist, Natalie, to parts that could not otherwise have been reached. We were indeed privileged to learn how the National Trust’s plans for the future of the property are being produced - depending as they do on the success of the NLF submission and a public appeal yet to be launched. It is good too, to know of the great care that will be taken to retain the unique atmosphere of the place, and that the present Lord Sackville is fully supportive of it all.”

“As regards comment, ours would be simply that the visit was probably unique - just after the launch of the appeal for Knole - and an opportunity to see parts that are simply not going to be seen by the public for a long time.”

“We climbed narrow staircases to attic rooms and galleries that showed the effect of the ravages of time and the results of an endless cycle of repairs and patches. Some had been used as repositories for unwanted furniture and pictures. Browsing through these evoked interest and curiosity. The specialist expertise of individual members of the group was in some cases able to suggest how items could be restored.”

“Finally we climbed the spiral staircase to the top of the tower to view the deer park from an unrivalled vantage point.”

There was a general request for more visits of a similar nature. Suggestions please!


20,000 - Not out!: The Work of the KAS Visual Records Team


Photographs of the Hop-Pickers Mission to the Weald of Kent, 1868 - 1960