What’s On



Morning: 10.15am - 12.15
6 weeks from 22 April
Kent and the River
The River Thames has played a vital part in the history of Kent, in peace and war, in work and leisure. This class will look at aspects of the history of the river and its shipping, and the riverside communities.

Afternoon: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
6 weeks from 22 April
Emergence of a World Power: the United States of America, 1776-1914
This class will look at the history of the USA from the Declaration of Independence to the early 20th century. Topics will include the American Constitution, the 'War Between the States', the Way West and the growth of American economic and industrial power.

Each course costs £35.00. For more information or to book contact Joy Sage


Luddenham St Mary and Lynsted St Peter & St Paul
Saturday 20 April

Please meet at 1.45 for 2pm start at Luddenham St Mary (postcode ME13 0TS), OS Grid Reference: TQ 992 631. Luddenham is 2 miles north-west of Faversham; approach only by public road from the north east.

We will then move on to Lynsted St Peter & St Paul (postcode ME9 0RH). OS Grid Reference: TQ942640878.

The cost of the visits is £5, to include tea and biscuits at Lynsted Parish Church. Please register by emailing or telephoning the Churches Visits Secretary, Jackie Davidson - Jacalyn.davidson@btinternet.com or 01634 320404

Dates of all visits in 2013 will be available shortly and can be found in the diary at www.kentarchaeology.org.uk

2013 South Eastern Region Industrial Archaeology Conference

Hosted by Kent Archaeological Society
At Dartford Grammar School, West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HW.
Saturday 27 April

9.00-9.45 Arrival and Registration. Tea and coffee available.

9.45-9.55 Opening proceedings. President KAS, Ian Coulson.

10.00-10.45 Gunpowder Industry of Kent by Professor Alan Crocker, President of the Surrey Industrial History Group, organiser of the first SERIAC meeting in 1983 and founder of the National Gunpowder Mills Study Group.

10.45-10.55 Short break.

11.00-11.45 Ship Building in Kent by Richard Holdsworth, Preservation & Education Director at The Historic Dockyard, Chatham. The role of Kent’s Royal Dockyards in supporting the Royal Navy over a 400-year period. During the heyday of the age of sail Chatham Dockyard was Britain’s principal shipbuilding and repair yard.

11.50-12.35 Historic Aircraft Restoration by the Chair of Medway Aircraft Preservation Society Limited. Covering the history of aircraft preservation at Rochester Airport from 1977 to the present day, with 31 completed projects, including 14 whole aircraft. The company is unique of its kind in being allowed to restore aircraft from the collection of the RAF Museum.

12.40-1.55 Lunch. Pre ordered lunch available for £7.50.

2.00-2.45 Early years of J & E Hall of Dartford by Terry Young, Director/General Manager of J & E Hall Technology Centre. In 1785 John Hall started a blacksmiths shop in Lowfield Street. From this modest start an engineering business expanded uninterrupted over many years, providing opportunities to employ great innovators such as Richard Trevithick and Brian Donkin.

2.50-3.35 Cement Industry in Kent by Jim Preston, lecturer, author and IA Consultant. Kent had the largest concentration of cement works in Britain, with over 60 in operation. By 2011 there were none, leaving little trace of this once important industry. The talk will outline developments within the industry and changing production methods employed.

3.35-3.50 Short break.

3.55-4.40 Kentish Motor Cycle Manufacturers by Nick Kelly, member of Kent Underground Research Group. Nick will outline the rise and demise of the Motorcycle Industry in Kent.

4.40 Closing remarks by the Chairman.

Cost for pre-booked delegates £12. Cost on the day £15. Buffet lunch may be pre-booked £7.50. Further information and Booking Form available from Mike Clinch tel: 01322 526425, email: mike@mikeclinch.co.uk



Saturday 20 April 2 – 5pm
Sevenoaks Community Centre

» Enclosing Londinium: The Landward and Riverside Walls by Harvey Sheldon
» The London Mithraeum by John Shepherd

» Details of speakers to be confirmed.

Tickets available from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP. Please enclose SAE.

Further information on www.the-cka.fsnet.co.uk or from Ruth Plummer, tel: 0208 7771787, email: dawn58-arch@hayoo.co.uk or from Richard Ansell, tel: 01732 884059.Holmes Campus.


Thursday evenings at 6.45pm. Tickets £3 from the Library: to book phone 08458 247200 or email historyandlibrarycentre@kent.gov.uk

  • 4 April: Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh (University of Huddersfield), ‘Placing women in the landscape: the votiws of Layne and Clifford’

  • 11 April: John Owen F.S.A. (Shepherd Neame Archives), ‘Shepherd Neame and the Brewing Industry in East Kent from the Middle Ages’

  • 18 April: Dr David Gurnnitt (University of Kent), ‘War, rebellion and revolution: discovering the end of the Middle Ages in Kent’s archives’

  • 25 April: Dr David Wright (Society of Genealogists), ‘Kent Probate Records’

  • 2 May: Ms Liz Finn (Kent Libraries, Registration and Archives), ‘The reading journal of Martha Whiting? (1814-1855)’

  • 9 May: Alan Stockwell (Society for Theatre Research), ‘Kent Theatre in the Time of Jane Austen’

  • 16 May: Dr Barrie Cook (Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum), ‘Shoplifting in 17th-century Kent - the evidence of private tokens’

  • 23 May: Mr Christoph Bull (Kent Libraries, Registration and Archives), ‘The Good, Bad & Ugly: 160 amusing years of Kentish public libraries’

  • 30 May: Dr Malcolm Mercer (Royal Armouries), ‘Antiquarians and Anglo-Saxon sword finds in Kent in the mid-19th century’

  • 6 June: Mr Tony Farrell (Independent Researcher, Maidstone), ‘Letters written by the Lower Classes in England, 1750-1834’


1st century BC helmet found near Canterbury


Community Archaeology at Randall Manor