The KAS .ac Website

The KAS Publications Committee thought it important that members be made aware of the large amount of material available online. The site is research-centric, with all material posted under the supervision of the Hon. Editor and the Publications Board. There is a wealth of articles and publications to read online and on e-readers.

The Kent Records New Series is no longer published in hard copy and future material will be published online. Back editions are also available.

As well as listing ‘grey literature’, unpublished archaeological reports (obtainable from the sources given), detailed final reports are also published, lodged by participating professional units operating in our area.

The Library Committee section carries catalogues of the Society’s holdings together with material related to its supervisory role for adult learning courses, visual records and document transcription. The Committee is responsible for all of the society’s collections.

Attention is drawn to the online repository of members’ digital archives. Colin Flight is the only member to date to have taken up the offer; two of his publications together with his research notes are available. This section is intended to provide a facility for researchers to archive their work for the benefit of others.

Under the heading of ‘The Topographical Tradition’ the text of many antiquarian books can be found in so far as they relate to the ancient county of Kent.



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