Events, Outings, Lectures
K. A. S. Events
This summer's barbecue will be held in the garden of Yaldham Manor, Wrotham on Saturday, 31st May 1997. Admission by ticket only, available from Margaret Lawrence. It will be preceded by 'Roaming round Wrotham'.
The three summer visits for 1997 will be as follows: The Old Palace, Croydon. 2 pm. Saturday, 26th July 1997. Malling Abbey. Afternoon of Saturday, 9th August 1997. Nurstead Court. 2.30 pm. Saturday, 13th September 1997. Guided tour with tea will cost £5.50 per person. For full details please send a SAE to the Excursions Secretary, Joy Saynor.
May 10th, Graham Keevill of the Oxford Archaeological Unit will give a lecture on Recent findings at the Tower of London.
The K. A. S., in conjunction with Trust for Thanet Archaeology will be holding an excavation at Minster-in-Thanet on a Roman villa site. This second season of excavation which will be directed by David Perkins M.Sc, M.I.F.A., will run from 2nd - 15th August. Practical instruction will be provided on site as well as evening lectures. For enrollment details please contact David Bacchus.
ST AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY and the conversion of England, this conference to be held at Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury on 11th-13th September 1997 will explore the life and legacy of St Augustine in a broad cultural and geographical context. The papers are intended to provide new insight into key themes such as the conversion of England, her relations with the Continent in the early Middle Ages, and the spiritual and cultural implications of Christianity for the Anglo-Saxon race. Further details from 'Augustine Conference', School of History, Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NX.
EXCAVATIONS AT SCADBURY on the weekend of 13th-14th September 1997 from 2-4.30 pm. each day, Orpington & District Archaeological Society will open this moated manor site at Chislehurst to the public. Admission is free. Limited car parking is available nearby by ticket only, available from Mr M. Meekum. Please send SAE, stating which day is required.
COUNCIL FOR KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY Saturday, 8th November 1997. 2-5 pm. at Christ Church College. 'St. Augustine: A.D. 597 and all that!' Speakers include Martin I Taylor (Local historian), Tim Tatton-Brown (Architectural historian and archaeologist) and Judith Roebuck (English Heritage). Tickets £2 (SAE please) from C. K. A., 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9DL.
KENT HISTORY SEMINARS. Courses for the second half of this year are 16th August 1997. David Fowdrey and Dr Shirley Black will speak on Kent and its neighbor - France.
20th September 1997 Dr Mark Bateman and Meriol Connor will speak on Canterbury Cathedral in the Middle Ages. 25th October 1997 Dr Shirley Black and Margaret Lawrence will speak on 'Unwillingly to School'? 22nd November 1997 Anne Reeves and Gillian Draper will speak on Romney Marsh: Landscape and society.
COUNCIL FOR BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY SOUTH EAST. Autumn Conference. 4th October 1997. Archaeology above the ground at Hotel Antoinette, 26 Beaufort Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey. Tickets £6 members, £7.50 non-members.
K. A. S. ONE DAY CONFERENCE ON MEDIEVAL KENT. The conference entitled 'Aspects of Medieval Life in Kent' will take place on Saturday, 18th October 1997 at the Medway Hall, Angel Centre, Tonbridge, 10.30 am. to 5 pm. Subjects discussed: Iron Making in the Medieval Weald; Faversham & Kent Medieval Houses; Medieval Dover; Gate Houses in Kent. Tickets: £4 to K.A.S. members. Non-members (or at the door) £5. Tickets & program may be obtained from Dunelm House, Main Road, Icklesham, Winchelsea, East Sussex TN36 4AR. SAE please.
STUDY TOUR ROMANS ON THE RHINE. Sunday, 3rd - Sunday, 10th August 1997. A coach trip organized by Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex. Tutors Colin Baddeley and David Rudling. The tour is based on the four-star Dorint Hotel in Cologne. Pick up available in Dover. Fees £575 to include half-board, transport and entrance fees. Single room supplement £110. Further information and booking form available from Rosemary Millen on 01273 678924.
BUILDING RECORDERS CONFERENCE at The Barn, Charing 11th October 1997. This year's subject is 'Timber Framing'.