Table for KAS Library
Table for KAS Library
Members may recall that we appealed in a previous Newsletter for help in obtaining a suitable table for our Library. Through Mr John Cruse, a member of K.A.S. Council, we heard that B.P. were about to dispose of their boardroom table, following the closure of the Company's refinery on the Isle of Grain. The Hon. Gen. Sec. wrote to B.P. and they very kindly offered to donate the table to the K.A.S. for the Library.

It is interesting to note that the late John Evans, a former Editor of Arch Cant, was for many years an accountant at the Isle of Grain Refinery and must have sat at this very table on many occasions.
We should like to express our thanks to B.P. and in particular to Mr C. Maddox, for this most generous gift. A small plaque recording their generosity will be inset into the centre of the table.