Farningham & Eynsford Local History Society programme 2024 & 2025

Doors open 7.30pm for refreshments/ items on display. Speakers at 8.00pm. Members free and visitors £3.


Dickens in Kent - Christoph Bull

Friday 20th September, Eynsford Village Hall

Anthony Roper School - Diana Beamish

Friday 18th October, Farningham Village Hall


Local film on 1977 Jubilee - Film Night

Friday 15 November, Eynsford Village Hall               


Percy Pilcher: aviation pioneer - Giles Wolfe

Friday 21 February,  Eynsford Village Hall


London 1666: Plague, Fire & War - Stuart Robinson

Friday 14 March, Farningham Village Hall

Chalk mining in Kent - Rod Le Gear

Friday 11 April, Eynsford Village Hall

Annual General Meeting

Friday 9 May - Eynsford Village Hall


Excavations in Harrow Meadow - James Holman

Friday 12 September - Farningham Village Hall

FELHS 40th Anniversary

Friday 3 October - Eynsford Village Hall

Growing up in Lullingstone Castle - Tom Hart Dyke

Friday 14 November, Farningham Village Hall


#LCE24: The Enabled Archaeology Foundation


Garden Congregation at Canterbury Cathedral