One and a half yokes at Rochester, 762

King Sigered of Kent grants one and a half yokes at Rochester to Bishop Eardwulf (of Rochester) for enlarging the monastery, 762. Translation from Latin of Textus Roffensis, folios 122r-123r by Jacob Scott (pending review).

Campbell, no. 5. Scribal note: There is a drawing of a ruffle-sleeved hand with index finger pointing to the text. This is in a lighter ink, and is in a later hand.


122r (select folio number to open facsimile)

+ IN nomine domini nostri
iesu christi. Omnem hominem qui secundum deum uiuit
et remunerari a deo sperat et optat, oportet
ut piis precibus assensum hilariter ex animo
prebeat. Quoniam certum est tanto facilius ea quae
quisque a deo poposcerit consequi posse quanto et
ipse libentius hominibus recte postulata con-
cesserit. Quo circa ego sigiraed rex cantiae
tibi uenerabili earduulfo episcopo ut diligenter
postulasti aliquam particulam terrę iuris mei
id est quasi unius et semis iugeri in ciuitate


hrofi ad augmentum monasterii tui ęternali-
ter possidendam concedo ac describo cum omnibus
scilicet ad eam pertinentibus rebus. Hęc autem
terrula ab aquilonali portę monasterii tui
iacet, et pertingit usque ad septentrionalem
murum prefatę ciuitatis intra terras uide-
licet quas antea ab oriente et occidente pos-
sedisti et ideo hęc tibi satis accommoda quia in
medio iacebat. Si quis autem contra hanc do-
nationem meam aliquando uenire inuido maliuo-
loque animo temptauerit, sit in presenti separatus
a communione sanctę aecclesię christi, et in futuro
a societate sanctorum omnium segregatus. Manen-
tem hanc kartulam in sua semper firmitate sig-
no dominicę crucis roboraui et idoneos testes
ut et id ipsum facerent adhibui. Actus, indi-
ctione xv. anno dominicę incarnationis dcclxii.
+ Ego sigiraed rex cantiae, hanc donationem meam
signo sanctę crucis roboraui. + Ego eadberht
rex cantiae, consentiens propria manu confirmaui.
+ Ego bregouuine archiepiscopus, consensi et sub-
scripsi. + Ego aldhuun abbas subscripsi.
+ Signum manus suuithuun. + Signum manus
aethilhuun. + Signum manus esni. + Signum


manus ęgbaldi. + Signum manus uuighaað. + Si-
gnum manus bunan. + Signum manus heabeorhti.
+ Signum manus tiidheah.


+ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every man who lives according to God, and hopes and desires to be rewarded by God, must cheerfully offer his assent to pious prayers. For it is certain that the more easily one can achieve those things which he shall demand from God, the more readily he himself has rightly granted the demands of men. About which I Sigared, King of Kent, to you venerable Eardulf, bishop, that you have carefully asked for some piece of land of my right, that is, as of one and a half an acre in the city of Rochester, to possess it eternally for the growth of your monastery. This small piece of land lies at the north end of your monastery's gate and reaches as far as the northern wall of the aforesaid city within the lands which you previously from the east and west possessed, and therefore this is suitable for you because it was lying in the middle. If anyone should at any time attempt to come up against this gift of mine with an envious and malevolent mind, let him be in the present separated from the communion of the holy church of Christ, and in the future separated from the fellowship of all the saints. I validated this charter remaining in its firmness with the sign of the Lord's Cross, and summoned competent witnesses to do the same. Act in the 15th indiction in the year of our Lord's incarnation 762.

+ I, Sigared king of Kent, have validated this gift with the sign of the holy cross. + I, Eadberht, King of Kent, consenting, confirmed it with my own hand.

+ I, Archbishop Bregouine, agreed and subscribed.

+ I, Abbot Aldhuun have subscribed.

+ Sign of the hand Swithuun.

+ Sign of the hand of Ethilhuun.

+ Sign of hand of Esni.

+ Sign of the hand of Egbald

+ Sign of the hand of Wighaað.

+ Sign of the hand of Bunan.

+ Sign of the hand of Heabeorht.

+ Sign of the hand of Tiidheah.

Jacob Scott

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Free access of a ship into London, 734 AD


Twenty sulungs at Islingham, and the right to pasture swine in four districts, 761-764