#FindsFriday: Lees Court finds

It was a rather wet #findsfriday today! Although this meant little chance of digging, it did mean the team were able to sort all of the washed and dried finds from this year's excavations.

Each try represents one context (with some contexts extending into multiple trays). So what happens next? Over the next couple of weeks each context will have its finds divided into ziplock bags with the context number, site code and material (Flint, pottery etc.,) recorder on it.

Every bag will be weighed, counted, and recorded on the site bulk finds register ready for distribution to specialists who will further analyse the collection.

It's a time and labour intensive exercise but we hope to be able to share more with you all in due course.

#communityheritage #localhistoryandcommunity #History #localhistorymonth #communityarchaeology #Education #communityoutreach #BronzeAge #Prehistory #pottery #excavation #LCE24 #archaeologists #outreach #CommunityArchaeology #research

Andy Ward

Society Curator

Responsible for the care, management and interpretation of the Society’s object collections.

Secretary of the Archaeology Research Group.




Grant award from the Association of Independent Museums and the Pilgrim Trust


#FindsFriday: Frankish ceramic bottle