Iron adze tool from Lullingstone Park

Its #FindsFriday!

You may remember from a previous #FindsFriday this lovely Adze found during 1960s excavations at @lullingstonecountrypark carried out by Graeme Horner and the late Lt-Col G. W. Meates. Well, Graeme has kindly gotten in touch with the society and provided more context as to this find!

Period II which this adze was attributed to was dated to 25 BC to 30 AD (Pre-Roman Belgic based on the pottery), with the first period on site being dated to 100 BC to 25 BC. Graeme kindly provided an excellent illustration of the adze which I attach here.

The site at Lullingstone park is almost certainly an extension of the well known site at Mulberry identified by Ward Perkins.

Further investigation into this excavation will be carried out and hopefully placed up on the KAS website in due course.

#research #archaeology #smallfinds #metalworking #adze #woodworking #LateIronAge

Andy Ward

Society Curator

Responsible for the care, management and interpretation of the Society’s object collections.

Secretary of the Archaeology Research Group.




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