Minster Roman villa finds

Its #MuseumMonday! As part of our ongoing highlight of objects in our temporary display at Maidstone Museums we are focusing on one of the society's first training excavations.

In 1996 a Roman villa at Minster-in-Thanet was identified through aerial photography. Subsequent evaluation found the site was in danger of being destroyed through ploughing. At the suggestion of David Perkins, of the Trust For Thanet Archaeology , the Kent Archaeological Society agreed to fund a training excavation at Minster, initially directed by Dave Perkins and later, Keith Parfitt of Canterbury Archaeological Trust. Over several seasons, KAS members, with affiliated organisations; the Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society, Trust for Thanet Archaeology, and the Dover Archaeological Group, gained field work and post excavation experience.

The villa range, with adjacent bath house, had evidence for painted walls (Image 1), Mosaic Floors (Image 2) and piped water supply (Image 3), standing within a large, walled enclosure with additional buildings at the southern end. Built in the later 1st century AD, the site was abandoned by the late 3rd century AD.

The KAS continues to offer practical archaeology training, most recently at Trosley Court and over the summer at Lees Court Estate. It is hoped that the society will be attending both again in 2024.

The objects from Minster Roman Villa currently on display at Maidstone Museum till December were kindly loaned by the Trust for Thanet Archaeology

#archaeology #heritage #Roman #communityarchaeology #training #fieldwork #RomanVilla

Andy Ward

Society Curator

Responsible for the care, management and interpretation of the Society’s object collections.

Secretary of the Archaeology Research Group.




Samian Ware from Hartlip Roman Villa


Iron adze tool from Lullingstone Park