- ‘Robbed in Antiquity’: Grave opening in seventh-century east Kent – stimulated by cross-Channel influences. By Alison Klevnäs1
- William Somner (1606-1669). Part II. By David Wright25
- Republican Dressel 1 Amphorae from East Wear Bay, Folkstone. By Adrian Weston47
- Three Weeks of Journeys, Ecclesiastical Ceremony and Entertainment in Kent: letters from Mary Yorke, 1774. By Anthea Jones59
- An unusual fifteenth-century building with a special first-floor ‘Meeting Room’ – 15 Knightrider Street, Maidstone. By David and Barbara Martin70
- England’s earliest painted and framed Royal Coat of Arms (Edward VI, 1547-53) in St Mary’s Church, Westerham: the work of a Low Countries’ artist commissioned by the Gresham Family. By David M. Boston84
- The Deal-type inhumations in Kent: defining an Iron Age mortuary group in light of new discoveries. By Andrew W. Lamb98
- The Brickmaking Industry in Kent c.1825-1900. By Peter Tann125
- The History of the Carmelite Priory at Lossenham, Newenden, c.1243-1538. By Richard Copsey148
- Rochester Cathedral Masons’ marks. By Jacob H. Scott161
- Community care: Civic charitable institutions in the Kentish Cinque Ports, c.1300-c.1500. By Sheila Sweetinburgh183
- Reconstructing the Prehistoric Landscapes of the Littlebrook Power station site, Dartford. By Phil Stastney et al.199
- Understanding Becket’s Canterbury: the Legacy of William Urry. By Cressida Williams213
- A Roman tile-kiln and an associated third-century hoard of sestertii at Bircholt Farm, Brabourne. By Ernest Black et al.221
- Dover Castle and Royal Power in twelfth-century Kent. By Richard Eales245
- Excavations in Westgate Gardens, Canterbury, revealing the changing character of Roman Watling Street, and Durovernum’s evolving street layout. By Jake Weekes260
- Two neighbouring Kent Estates near Hythe and their remarkable artistic connections in the mid eighteenth century. By Rodney Griffiths275
Research and Discoveries
- P. Clark, G. Shand and J. Weekes. Chalk Hill, Neolithic and Bronze Age discoveries at Ramsgate, Kent331
- G. Dawkes, D. Hart, K. Grant and D. Swift. Beyond the Wantsum: Archaeological investigations in South Thanet, Kent337
- G. Dawkes. Living by the Creek. Excavations at Kemsley near Sittingbourne, Kent327
- Caroline K. Mackenzie. Culture and Society at Lullingstone Roman Villa339
- Carolyn Marino Malone. Twelfth-century Sculptural Finds at Canterbury Cathedral and the Cult of Thomas Becket341
- B. Awty. Adventure in Iron: the blast furnace and its spread from Namur to northern France, England and North America, 1450-1650: a technological, political and genealogical investigation342
- T.L. Richardson. Tudor Sandwich: A Social History343
- Ros Shefford (ed.). Minnis Memories and More345