A New Venture

[pg2]The Kent Archaeological Society was established in 1857 and now has a membership of over 1,500. The vast majority of these are Individual Members but there are some 40 Affiliated Societies and 166 Institutional Members. The affairs of the Society are managed by an elected Council of 24, together with 8 Officers who are elected annually. There are seven Committees, such as a Fieldwork Committee and a Historic Buildings Committee. All the Committees meet regularly to discuss and recommend to Council such actions as will promote archaeology and history in all their branches within the county of Kent.

With such a large and diverse membership communication is not easy. Wishing to ensure that the Society's activities reflected the interests of members a questionnaire was circulated in January 1980. Many useful suggestions were received and a short analysis was published in the Calendar of Events for October of that year. The questionnaires showed quite clearly that the majority of members were satisfied with the present activities, but that more emphasis could usefully be put on publicizing and promoting the existing work of the Society.

It is with these wishes in mind that a committee dealing specifically with Publicity and Membership was established. This Committee recommended that the 'Calendar of Events' which had been in existence since 1972 be expanded into a Newsletter, including photographs, to publicize the work of the K.A.S. This is the first issue of the new style Newsletter and it is hoped this and future copies will include news of fieldwork and excavations, local history researches, details of the Society's fine series of publications, facilities such as the excellent Library at Maidstone and the system of grants available. In addition, it is the intention also to give publicity to the many activities of the Affiliated Societies.

Enclosed with this newsletter are an Agenda and other papers regarding the Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 15th May. Under the Society's Rules only those whose subscriptions have been paid will be eligible to take part in the postal ballot for the election of officers and members of Council. Equally Volume 97 of Archaeologia Cantiana, due to be published in July, will only be supplied to those members whose subscriptions have been paid. The Hon. Membership Secretary, Mr R. Mills, 57 Homemead, Gravesend, will be pleased to receive any outstanding subscriptions.

Also enclosed is a newly printed Membership leaflet, and you are urged to pass this to a friend with a view to his or her joining the Society. Copies of this leaflet are being sent to Local Secretaries and also to Secretaries of Affiliated Societies. Extra copies are available from the Hon. Publicity Officer, Mr Ian Bouskill.

The Kent Archaeological Society Newsletter, as stated above, intends to publicize the activities of the K.A.S. and its Affiliated Societies. Members and Secretaries of local Societies are requested to send me details of their forthcoming excavations, lecture meetings, exhibitions etc. by the 1st September, for inclusion in the Autumn Newsletter, due out in early October.


AGM 1982 Revision of Rules


Summer exhibitions