AGM 1982 Revision of Rules
[pg2]Members will remember that at the S.G.M. in November a resolution was passed by a large majority welcoming Council's intention to proceed with a revision of the Society's Rules. A Working Party consisting of Dr. J. Lawrie, Mr. J. D. Noble and Sir John Winnifrith, together with three members of Council, was set up and the proposals set out in the A.G.M. Agenda for 1982 embody its recommendations which were approved by Council. Many of these are purely 'tidying up' amendments but the following are important: - (a) The objects of the Society are broadened to include History as well as Archaeology. This has always been the case, but it seemed as well to say so. (b) Institutions - but not Affiliated Societies - have been excluded from voting. Again this has been the case in practice - most of them being in fact overseas members - but it seemed sensible to regularize the position. (c) The procedure and powers of General Meetings have been clarified.
It was also recommended by the Working Party and accepted by Council that in the future a more thorough reorganization of the Rules should be undertaken so that they could be regrouped under separate headings, as the present order is distinctly haphazard. In the short term, however, these alterations are sufficient to remove anomalies and ambiguities and make the machinery of the Society run more smoothly.
It is hoped that members will make every effort to attend the A.G.M. and approve these proposals. It should be pointed out, perhaps, that they can only be accepted or rejected - amendments of substance could not be in order as due notice would not have been given as required under Rule 36(c).