The KAS Bookshelf

[pg7]The Roman Villa at Lullingstone, Kent by Lieut.-Col. G. W. Meates, F.S.A. 28 x 22 cm., 219 pages, 30 plates and 35 figures. Hardback cloth bound with full-color dust wrapper. Price: £18.

This work is the first in the new Monograph Series of the K.A.S. which has Mr. Detsicas as the General Editor. It is also the first volume of an intended two-volume publication and is a definitive report on the Site. It deals in full detail with the excavation and the structures found there. It is very fully illustrated with both drawings and photographs two of which are reproduced in full color.

The second volume which will deal with the finds made at this important villa is now in preparation.


Lost Glass from Kent Churches by C. R. Councer, F.S.A.

Kent Records Volume XXII

22 x 14 cm., 170 pages, 15 color plates plus many text figures. Hardback cloth bound with full-color dust wrapper.

Price: £16 (£8.50 to K.A.S. Members until the 31st May, 1982).

The author's interest in Kentish antiquities was first aroused during his school holidays which he spent with relatives in Deal. This led him on later to the serious study of painted glass and of buildings, especially monastic houses. He came to live permanently in Kent in 1928 and from 1934 has been a regular contributor to Archaeologia Cantiana and the Journal of the British Society of Master Glass Painters.

Mr. Councer's excellent work consists of a complete alphabetical list of all the churches, together with an introduction, a full list of all the works consulted and two complete indexes - one of armorial bearings and the other a general index. There are "some particularly attractive color plates.

This Records volume should be on the bookshelf of all those concerned with the subject as well as all those who have more than a passing interest in it

Collectanea Historica edited by Alec Detsicas.

28 x 22 cm., 315 pages, 65 plates, 65 other illustrations. Hardback cloth bound with two-color dust wrapper.

Price: £20 (£9.50 to K.A.S. Members until the 31st May, 1982).

This substantial volume bears the subtitle - Essays in Memory of Stuart Rigold, and this completely sums up this work. There are 33 essays, each an exhaustive account of the author's chosen subject. These have an enormous range from Roman Shore-Forts through Dutch floor tiles to an atmospheric piece on landscapes.

Mr. Rigold was a Principal Inspector of Ancient Monuments and Public Buildings at the Department of the Environment and the greater proportion of these essays are from that army of civil servants. The Editor has achieved a very high level of production excellence in this work and all the illustrations and figures are most clear.


Excavations at Canterbury Castle by P.Bennett, B.A., S.S. Frere, C.B.E., M.A., Litt.D., O.U., F.B.A., F.S.A. and S.Stow, B.A.

28 x 22 cm., 236 pages, 16 plates, 106 other figures. Hardback cloth bound with two-color dust wrapper.

Price: £15 (£7.50 to K.A.S. Members until the 31st May, 1982)

This new book is the first volume of The Archaeology of Canterbury, which is a new series being published jointly by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and the Kent Archaeological Society and containing full reports of the large excavations undertaken by the Trust since 1975.

This volume includes a full account of Professor Frere's excavations at the Norman Keep from 1953 to 1955, and large sections on pottery and finds from the excavations as well as measured drawings and a history of the Keep by D. F. Renn.

Excavations on the Roman and Medieval Defenses of Canterbury by P.Bennett, B.A., S. S. Frere, C.B.E., M.A., Litt.D., O.U., F.B.A., F.S.A. and S.Stow, B.A.

28 x 22 cm., No. of pages, plates and figures to be advised. Hardback cloth bound with two-color dust wrapper.

Price: £15 (£7.50 to K.A.S. Members until the 30th June, 1982)

The second volume in the Archaeology of Canterbury Series published for the Canterbury Archaeological Trust by the Kent Archaeological Society is in the last stages of preparation.

Medieval Art and Architecture at Canterbury before 1220

Published jointly by The British Archaeological Association and the K.A.S.

25 x 18 cm., 128 pages, 36 plates and 107 illustrations. Hardback cloth bound £16 (£10 to K.A.S. Members until the 1st September, 1982)

Limp covers £12 (£7.50 to K.A.S. Members until the 1st September, 1982)

This is the fifth volume in the series of Conference Transactions of the British Archaeological Association which brings together the results of recent archaeological, historical and art-historical research on major cathedrals. This volume is not intended to be a comprehensive monograph in its own right but rather a collection of studies of important aspects of these great buildings and of the art which is associated with them.

All the above works are available on the K.A.S. Traveling Bookstall, together with very many other publications which are of interest to members. Alternatively they can be obtained by post direct from Mr. E. P. Connell, allowing £1.50 per volume for postage and packing.


Summer Excursions


Sevenoaks Finds