Summer Excursions


Saturday, 22nd May

If there is sufficient interest, a mini-bus will take members and friends to Combe Bank, Sundridge Church and Squerrys Court.

Saturday, 12th June, Windsor

[fg]jpg|Dorney Court, which has been in the same family since 1600, is only in its second year of public opening.|Image[/fg]

The first part of the day will be taken up with a visit to the Tudor House of Dorney Court, near Eton and the neighboring 13th century church of St. James. Dorney Court, which has been in the same family since 1600, is only in its second year of public opening. In mid-afternoon a Salter's Steamer will carry us from Windsor Bridge to Old Windsor Lock. On leaving the river we shall visit the famed Saville Garden, this year celebrating its Golden Jubilee. The garden is one of the finest of its type in the Northern temperate region of the world. Tea will be taken at the Garden. The coach will leave Ashford at 9.30 a.m., Maidstone at 10.00 a.m. and the Tollgate at 10.20 a.m. Bring a picnic lunch to eat on the coach. Price £7.50.

Saturday, 18th September. Smallhythe and Tenterden

We shall be visiting the Vineyard at Spots Farm, Smallhythe. Opportunity will be taken to visit once more Smallhythe Place and the interesting Tudor Church nearby.

After a light lunch we will visit St. Mildred's Church in Tenterden. Members may wish to tour this interesting country town or visit the Kent & East Sussex Railway which now extends to Bodiam. The cost of the excursion will be dependent upon what other attractions can be arranged and transport details advised in accordance with demand.

For booking and further details of all these excursions please write enclosing S.A.E. to Mrs M. A. Cleggett.


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