Welcome from the Editor

Welcome to the Winter 2019 Newsletter.

Following a busy summer, we have a bumper winter issue packed with abundant and intriguing material and discussion. It seems a long time since the last issue back in Easter. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough material to run with a summer issue. However, given the content of this issue, I now understand why – it seems like the entire membership was involved in fieldwork, surveying or research during the summer, and that can’t be a bad thing.

While editing the many articles in this issue, the theme that continually jumped out at me was the invaluable efforts of the many volunteers that took part and made the projects so successful. On a personal level, it was equally rewarding to help train and instruct many of these volunteers in fieldwork techniques, recording practices and survey methods. As a former teacher, it gives me great pride to then witness volunteers take on new and complex tasks, work through a problem, solve it and contribute to the archaeological record. Engagement is a great way to increase the Society’s membership – getting people involved, trying out new activities, learning new skills and making contributions to our county’s fantastic archaeological and historical heritage.

The Newsletter remains an outlet for this fantastic heritage and the tremendous work going on out there. newsletter@kentarchaeology.org.uk

Enjoy this issue and a Season’s Greetings to all readers.

Richard Taylor

The editor wishes to draw attention to the fact that neither he nor the KAS Council are answerable for opinions which contributors may express in their signed articles; each author is alone responsible for the contents and substance of their work.

Front cover image courtesy of the Pathways to the Past Project, Lyminge.


President’s Column


Cobham Landscape Detectives… Hasta la vista!