President’s Column
Much has happened since the Spring issue of the newsletter, both within the Society and outside. On 19th July 2019, English Heritage celebrated the 70th anniversary of the start of the excavation at Lullingstone Roman Villa. A history of the excavations is included in this issue.
Lees Court
The Society continues its excavations at Lees Court with spectacular results. The excavations have shown that Woods Court Field was the site of a significant Bronze Age Settlement some 3,000 years ago where a wealth of evidence has been uncovered. This year, several pits have been excavated which have yielded many large pieces of pottery, lithics, potboilers and parts of several loom weights. The star find was a complete loom weight measuring 16cm high found in a pit with masses of pottery. Gordon was the lucky archaeologist. Well done! Further details are covered in this issue.
Kent History Federation
It is with great sadness that I, as President of your Society, have to report the winding up of the Kent History Federation. The last meeting of the Federation was held on 3rd July last at the Maidstone Library and Archive Centre. It started life as the County
Local History Committee in 1935. The Federation published its highly successful journal from 1975 until the last issue numbered 88 appeared in March this year. The journal gave excellent service in publishing details of affiliated Societies, future events, books and articles by their members. I have written to the Federation’s affiliated Societies inviting them to join the KAS as our Society can fill some of the gap left by the Kent History Federation.
Government Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Treasure Act
As agreed in Council and after consulting members of this Society by email, I submitted this Society’s response to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS). I have yet to see any outcome from the Department.
Conferences and Forums
Reports on conferences and forums are given elsewhere in this issue.
Have a good Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you at a conference, at an excavation or just at the AGM in May.