Grace Conium Parsonage: KAS PhD student introduction
Grace Conium Parsonage is currently in the fourth year of an AHRC-funded PhD at Canterbury Christ Church University, working in collaboration with the Museum of London Archaeology. Her research focuses on evaluating the impacts and potential legacies of community archaeology projects on the east coast of Kent. She is conducting three case studies:
Sandwich Bay, working with CITiZAN, who partnered with volunteers to record post-medieval fish traps on the shore.
Wanstone Rediscovered, working with the National Trust, which is engaging locals to conserve and reveal WWII gun batteries.
East Wear Bay at Folkestone, working with the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, local archaeological groups, and students to excavate an Early Iron Age quern production site.
Grace has gathered a variety of data by interviewing and working with volunteers at coastal sites, demonstrating the diverse benefits of community archaeology in Kent. These benefits include skill development, improvements in health and well-being, and fostering social connections. Community archaeology also contributes valuable knowledge about historical sites and serves as a long-term record of the work done.
[fg]png|Fig 1: Sandwich Bay at Sunrise. Taken 19 February 2022. © Grace Conium Parsonage|Image[/fg]
This area is becoming increasingly important due to the changing coastline, accelerated by human-induced climate change, which includes increased coastal erosion and storm activity. Archaeology relies increasingly on the ongoing efforts and support of the public, who play a crucial role in recording historical features at these sites, which are at risk of disappearing. The research aims to better understand the perceived impacts on those who participate, providing valuable information regarding their motivations for taking part in such projects. With this information, community archaeology initiatives at tidal locations will be better equipped to provide opportunities to encourage meaningful, long-term engagement in the recording of threatened coastal sites.
In addition to her PhD research, Grace is also the KAS Student Ambassador for CCCU and an Assistant Editor for the Journal of Post-Medieval Archaeology.
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