AGM 1982
Canon Derek Ingram Hill, M.A., F.S.A., was elected President by acclamation. Warm appreciation of the retiring President's services to the Society was expressed.
The existing Vice-Presidents were re-elected and, in addition, Mr. M.D. Nightingale, O.B.E., B. Litt., F.S.A., and Dr. J. Whyman, B.Sc.(Econ.), Ph.D., were elected Vice-Presidents in recognition of their services to the Society and to historical studies in Kent.
All the other retiring officers were re-elected.
The following were elected members of council: Mr. P.H. Blake, Mr. J.W.C. Bouskill, Mr. D.A.H. Cleggett, Mr. B. Gipps, Mr. A. Miles, Mr. R.M. Walsh, and Mr. C.P. Ward.
All the amendments to the Rules proposed by Council were passed except (a) Rule 2, the second sentence was omitted, (b) Rule 18 was not altered (c) proposed new clause 28(f) was not accepted. A committee under the chairmanship of Sir John Winnifrith, K.C.B., was set up to consider a more comprehensive re-arrangement of the Society's Rules. The resolutions proposed by Messrs Philp and Noble were withdrawn.
The A.G.M. agreed to increase the subscriptions in the coming year to £10 for institutional members, £7 for individuals, £9 for joint members and £3 for juniors.