The British Association for Local History
During the past fifty years, but particularly since the Second World War, interest in Local History amongst amateurs and professional academics has increased enormously and this has seen the establishing, and flourishing, of many Local History Societies up and down the land as well as the running of University, extra-mural, and W.E.A. courses.
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations has for many years sponsored the Standing Conference for Local History (SCLH). In 1977 the Council established a committee under Lord Blake 'to make an assessment of the pattern of interest, activity, and of study in local history'.
The culmination of the Blake Committee's report was that on the 13th March 1982 a Steering Council was elected for the British Association for Local History to come into being on 1st April 1982. Progress can be reviewed, and a more permanent Council elected, at the A.G.M. to be held in the Spring of 1983.
Briefly, the purpose of the Association is 'to promote the advancement of public education through the study of local history'. Membership is open to all individuals over eighteen years of age and to any organisation. Subscription for 1982/3 is £4, and members will receive the quarterly copies of 'The Local Historian' which for many years was 'The Amateur Historian'.
Further details and application forms for membership, from The General Secretary John Bynoe.
Mr J. Bynoe was elected to the Steering Council and represents Kent. - Ed.
Information Systems in Archaeology and Local History
Are there any members using, or interested in thinking about using, microcomputers in their researches? This includes administration, recording of excavation data, storing references etc. I should like to hear from members with micros, and from those who think that micros might be useful to us. If there is enough interest amongst members, perhaps we can arrange a meeting to discuss the subject and its potential.
Dan Jones
All letters are welcome and contributions for the next issue should reach the Editor by 28th February, 1983.