
On 29th April, I was invited to attend a meeting of the Lower Medway Archaeological Society at Rochester. Disregarding the fact that it was a meeting of interest and quality, what struck me was that the style and the historical leaning of that Society had much in common with the Kent Numismatic Society. The K.N.S. is a small but committed group of enthusiasts. We meet on the first Friday of each month, alternately at Rochester and Maidstone. The format is for a talk, usually on a numismatic topic, presented by either a member or a guest speaker.

I am hoping that there may be members of other societies who may be interested in joining our ranks. Anyone who has such an interest can contact me for further details.

The Hon. Librarian Dr. Peter Draper has sent the following notes: With reference to the set of Arch. Cant. offered for sale in Issue 18 of the Newsletter, the seller, daughter of a late member, has asked the Librarian to thank all who showed interest and to say that the set has been taken by the newly enlarged Museum at Dover. She felt that this would ensure its fullest possible use in East Kent for many years to come.

Dr. Draper would like to inform members that the KAS Library and Muniments Committee have recently formed an Archives Section and are collecting photographs, records, etc. dealing with the Society's activities. The Library Committee would welcome more material from members willing to donate interesting photographs, etc. to the Archive project. Please write to KAS Hon. Librarian Dr. Peter Draper, KAS Library, Maidstone Museum.

Our member, Mr. W. R. Somers, has presented to our Library his really excellent Inventory of the Memorials within the Church of St. Nicholas, New Romney. This is of great value to all concerned in this branch of study and a model for anyone interested in carrying out a similar survey.


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