Library News

The Council of the Society has decided to expand the typographical holdings of the Library which is housed in Maidstone Museum and which is available for the use of Members. The Public Library adjacent to the Museum in St. Faith's Street has generously made available space which will provide the Society with storage for back runs of some journals, so releasing shelf space for new acquisitions.

Initially it is intended to concentrate on Kent typography, with determined effort being made to make good the remaining losses due to the Museum fire. Another priority is the provision of the standard manuals and monographs which form a necessary adjunct to a working library. As far as possible, acquisition will be by the exchange of publications with other societies and similar bodies. Kent Arts and Libraries have already donated copies of a number of their publications. It will undoubtedly prove necessary to purchase many parish histories and other Kent typographical works in the open market. The generosity of Members has resulted in a number of useful donations to the Library in recent years and further donations will always be most welcome. There have, however, been several promises of bequests of material to the Library which have not come into fruition. This has been due either to its not being put in writing, or to the terms of a documented bequest being interpreted in a particularly restrictive way by Executors. In the event of any Member wishing to make some provision for the Society in their will, the Hon. Librarian is willing to advise on suitable wording.


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