Events, Lectures, Outings
[pg5]K.A.S. SI DAY EXCURSION TO BRITTANY 1993. Monday, 31st May to Saturday, 5th June. Portsmouth to Cherbourg (a ferry available). Staying 5 nights at DINAN (Hotel de Grand Bretagne). Visiting DOL, JOSSELIN, VANNES, one or two chateaux in the area and some Roman sites, river trip to St. Malo, and some stone Menhirs and Dolmans around Carnac. Approx. cost £275 (but depends on exchange rate). Interested parties s.a.e. to M. A. Crane, as soon as possible. Deposits (£100) must be in early this year.
K.A.S. CONFERENCE. ASPECTS OF KENTISH HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY. Saturday, 6th March 1993 at Shoreham Village Hall. (see enclosed leaflet).
Saturday, 9th January. Peasants' Revolts. by Andrew Butcher. 2.30 pm at Sevenoaks School (Aisher Hall), High St. Sevenoaks. Entrance: £1.75 KAS members, £2 Nonmembers.
Saturday, 13th February. Faversham, The King's Port. by Arthur Percival. 2.30 pm. at The Chantry School, Ordnance Road, Gravesend. Entrance: £1.25 KAS members, £1.50 Nonmembers.
Saturday, 13th March. Medieval Houses in Kent. by Sarah Pearson. 2.30 pm. at Tenterden Town Hall, High St. Tenterden. Entrance: £1.25 KAS members, £1.50 Nonmembers.
Saturday, 17th April. The Agricultural Heritage of Kent. by Donald Sykes. 2.30 pm. at Wye College. There will also be an opportunity to see the Museum of Agriculture at Brook.
DODE CHURCH (near Luddesdown, Kent). KAS members may be interested to attend a short evening service to be held in the recently restored church (see KAS Newsletter No. 22, Summer 1992). All are welcome. Service starts at 7.30 pm. 28th July 1993.
Saturday, 29th May 1993. A conference to commemorate the 1950th anniversary of the invasion of Britain by Claudius in A.D. 43.
Morning: Guided tour of Richborough Castle, the Roman fort and reputed landing place. 11.00 am. - 12.30 pm.
Afternoon: At the Guildhall, Sandwich. Illustrated talks with displays and bookstalls. 2.00 pm. - 5.30 pm. Lectures include Claudius and Britain by Mark Hassall. Britons in the Roman Empire. Prof. John Wilkes and The Roman Military Returns to Kent. by Brian Philp.
Tickets: All Day £4. Morning only: £1.20. Afternoon only: £3 from CK.A., 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9DL (payable to CK.A. with s.a.e. please).
ROMNEY MARSH RESEARCH TRUST, SPRING LECTURE. Roman Exploitation in the South-East. by Professor Barry Cunliffe, at Brockhill Park School, Hythe. Friday, 19th March 1993 at 8.00 pm. Tickets, to include a glass of wine: £3 for members, £5 for non-members. Apply: Mrs Sue Carrell, Mittell House, Church Road, New Romney TN28 BTU.
ROYAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. One day seminar SUBMERGED SETTLEMENTS AND SHIPWRECKS. The present state and future prospects of underwater archaeology. To be held at the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0HS. on Saturday, 27th February 1993. 10.00 am. to 5.15 pm. Tickets £9 for RAI members, £12 for non-members. Includes Coffee and Tea. Apply to Miss W. E. Phillips, Asst. Sec. RAI, c/o Soc. of Antiquaries for tickets and full details which will be dispatched in January 1993.
COUNCIL FOR INDEPENDENT ARCHAEOLOGISTS. (CIA) are holding a two day Conference on Saturday, 24th April to 25th April 1993. At Florence Boot Hall, Nottingham University. Residential Conference fee £50. Details from Mike Rumbold, Sec. CIA.
EXHIBITIONS. Immortal Remains. Southwark's medieval past, at the Cuming Museum. 155-157 Walworth Road, SE17 1RS. until 24th April 1993. For further information telephone 071 701 1342.
Purple, White and Green. Suffragettes in London 1906-1914. at the Museum of London. A 144 page exhibition catalogue will be published, price £14.95 paperback.
Howard Carter: Before Tutankhamen at the British Museum until 31st May 1993.
Brunel's Engine House, London SE16. This Engine House was built by Sir Marc Isambard Brunel to contain the steam engines which drained the celebrated Thames Tunnel. The Tunnel was the first major underwater thoroughfare in the world and its construction between 1825 and 1842 was a triumph in the face of floods, financial losses and human disaster. The Engine House, now designated an ancient monument, contains an 1882 J. & G. Rennie steam pumping engine and an exhibition, 'Brunel's Tunnel and where it led' is in the heart of a revitalised Rotherhithe conservation area, with superb 18th Century church, restored warehouses, craft workshops, riverside walks and restaurants. Open first Sunday of every month 12.00 to 16.00. Admission £1.50. Children, OAP's 50p. Further information from: Brunel Exhibition, Brunel Engine House, Railway Avenue, London SE16 4LF. Tel: 081 318 2489 or 0322 225725.
WALKS IN LONDON. 'Citisights of London' have a varied programme of guided walks around London. Fee £4, accompanied under 14s free. Details from Citisights, 213 Brooke Road, London ES 8AB. Tel: 081 806 4325.
These courses are conducted from June to September in different parts of the country and cover a great variety of subjects broadly divided in the following themes: Heritage, The Arts, Language and Culture, Countryside and Personal Development.
The holidays are fully inclusive of all tuition and seven day full board accommodation. Prices range from £260 - £320. A number of courses will be held in Canterbury. Further information may be obtained from: Summer Academy, Kent Research and Development Centre, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7PD. Tel: 0227 470402.
K.A.S. LECTURES. (a reminder) By the time this is in your hands, half of the 1992/1993 programme of lectures will have been given. The first two lectures at Hythe and Faversham attracted a total of 60 members and visitors. At least a start has been made and the numbers of tickets sold for later lectures is encouraging. (Details are repeated in the Events column) If you have mislaid the application forms sent with the Autumn 1992 Newsletter, all is not lost! Send me details of your requirements with a cheque/p.o. made out to K.A.S. Lectures A/C, and a s.a.e. Alternatively, following the same procedure, you may obtain tickets from: Mr A. Rowe or Mr A. Miles.
Again, look out for posters advertising their availability locally, whenever this can be arranged.
I am actively engaged in enlisting speakers for 1993/94. May I again repeat my request for suggestions of alternative venues, speakers and subjects and your views of what so far has been attempted, if not achieved.
H. G. B. COAST, (Lectures Secretary).