The Wealden Iron Research Group (WIRG)
This group was initially founded by Henry Cleere and David Crossley to bring together and update the work done since the publication of Ernest Straker's 'Wealden Iron' in 1931. This led to the publication of 'The Iron Industry of the Weald' by the group's two conveners. The work of this enthusiastic group continues, as much has still to be learnt about the industry, which had such an important place in the economy of the South East for two thousand years, especially during the first half of the Roman occupation and in the Tudor and early Stuart period when the Weald was the predominant iron-producing area in Britain.
The group has about 140 members with the most active element being the Field Group which has a program of fieldwork during the Winter, covering such activities as surveying work, fieldwalking, minor excavations, and allied documentary research.
The results of these are published annually in the Bulletin together with the historical researches of members. The twice-yearly Newsletter keeps WIRG members in touch, which is most important as there are generally only two meetings a year. A key aspect of the group's professional archaeological relationship is its fraternity, assisting and advising the at excavations throughout the Weald For further details, including that of membership of WIRG, contact the Secretary, Mrs Shiela Broomfield.