K.A.S. Conference 'The Palaeolithic in Kent'

On 24th October 1992, approximately 40 KAS members enjoyed this one-day meeting held at the Mid-Kent Professional Development Centre in Maidstone.

The first of four speakers, Mrs J. Cook, from the British Museum, gave a re-evaluation of earlier work on the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in Kent. Mr J. Wymer provided an enthusiastic overview of research at Swanscombe entitled 'A Century of Investigation'. Mr F. Wenham-Smith, a postgraduate student from Southampton University, told of his research work in the Ebbsfleet valley. Dr C. Gamble, also from Southampton University, explained the aims of the Southern Rivers Project.

The intention of this project is to map the distribution of Palaeolithic landscapes in Southern Britain so that the information they offer may be properly assessed, managed and utilised.

At the end of the day, audience reaction was very positive. Most people went away having relished an archaeological day without a single mention of pottery, and with their awareness of the special considerations of the Palaeolithic greatly enhanced. As far as we are aware, not a single member was caught napping!


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