Help needed with Archaeological Survey of Kent Churches

In response to recommendations in a report produced by the Council for the Care of Churches entitled 'Archaeology and the Church of England', the two Dioceses of Rochester and Canterbury have jointly commissioned a survey to provide initial archaeological profiles on parish churches in Kent and South East London built before 1800. The aim is for each parish church to understand the building it uses. The reports are expected to be updated every five years at the same time that the fabric of the church is inspected and will be a point of reference at times when repairs and alterations are contemplated.

The project has the support of the K.A.S. as well as other notable Trusts. Heading the research work and report writing is well-known local archaeologist Tim Tatton-Brown. As work has progressed, it has become clear that a sketch plan of each church would be a most valuable visual aid to the report and in this connection, the two Dioceses are working to locate existing plans suitable for their use. It is clear, however, that some plans will need redrawing and, where no plans exist, arrangements will need to be made to provide a sketch plan.

It is in the areas of identifying the location of plans, sketch or otherwise, the redrawing or tracing of poor ones, and the production of new ones that KAS members are being asked to help. Volunteers interested in supporting the principles of the survey in the way outlined are asked to contact our Hon. Gen. Secretary, Andrew Moffat.

Andrew looks forward to hearing from you if you are able to help in this worthy cause.


K.A.S. Conference 'The Palaeolithic in Kent'


KAS Newsletter, Issue 23, Autumn 1992