
Since 1977 a small number of members have assisted with the distribution of Archaeologia Cantiana. Over 700 volumes have been delivered in this way each year and the remainder have been posted by the printers in Gloucestershire. The distribution cost to the Society has thus been substantially reduced. For example, in 1981, the cost was only £1,164 for 1,312 volumes.

In 1982, we increased our efforts in order to save yet more money. We took delivery of all 1,500 copies of Vol. 97 from the printers and organized the distribution of these ourselves, together with some seven inserts. Over 800 books were hand-delivered by volunteers and the remainder were posted. Each volume weighed just under one kilo and so the cost of posting these books from Gloucester would have been £1.20 plus 32p for packaging. A total of 1,410 volumes were distributed altogether, and if all these had been posted in Gloucester, it would have cost in the region of £2,100. By the unstinting support of members, the total cost of distributing Vol. 97 was only £880, a saving of at least £1,220.

Money Saved

This considerable saving to the Society has only been possible through the efforts of a small number of members. They have given freely of their time (and their petrol!). I should like to take this opportunity to thank these members, on behalf of us all, for their work for the Society.

It is hoped to extend this scheme even further in 1983, if we can get more members to take part. With more volunteers, we would be in a position to hand-deliver an even greater number of volumes in Kent and London. If you are able to assist us in this way, we would be grateful if you would complete the form inserted separately with this Newsletter.

The suggestion has been made that the money saved for the Society in this way should be used for a definite purpose. It has been decided that the money saved on postage be used to offset the production costs of the Newsletter. The number of issues per year will be increased to three. These will be published on 1st January, 1st May, and the 1st September.

Our Society

As stated in our first issue, the aim of the Newsletter is to publicize the activities of the K.A.S., its members, Affiliated Societies, and Branches.

Unfortunately, over the last few years, a number of half-truths, distortions, and subtle innuendos about the Society and its Officers have been maliciously spread about. This has been done by a small number of people who have by now made themselves well known to most members! It is a pity that they do not channel their efforts into making a positive contribution towards the activities of our Society.

After reading the Annual Report and this Newsletter, I am sure that the vast majority of members will agree that your Officers and Council Members, working through the various Committees and in cooperation with the Affiliated Societies and Branches, are fulfilling the objectives of the Society.

Next Copy Date

The copy date for the Autumn issue will be on the 1st July 1983 and all contributions should' be sent to the Editor.


A New Purchase: Two Celtic Coins


AGM 1983