AGM 1983
The Annual General Meeting of the Society is to be held on Saturday 21st May. Enclosed with this Newsletter are an Agenda, a draft copy of the revision of the rules, and other papers. The venue this year is the Sevenoaks School for Girls (formerly the Hatton School), situated in Bradbourne Vale Road, Sevenoaks, on the A25 just west of the junction with the A225. Bat & Ball Station is just 10 minutes walk away, and Sevenoaks Station some 20 minutes. Tea and coffee will be available from 10 a.m. and again during the break for lunch. Facilities will be available for members to stay and eat any packed lunch they bring. The business meeting starts at 10.30 a.m. and the afternoon session will commence at 2.30 p.m.
For the afternoon lecture, we are very fortunate to have Mr Peter J. Reynolds, M.A., F.S.A., Director of the Butser Ancient Farm Project Trust, who will give a talk about the work of the Trust.
The Butser Ancient Farm, situated on the Hampshire Chalklands, near Petersfield, carries out experiments designed to increase our understanding of the agricultural economy of Britain at the end of the Iron Age. Since 1972, the Project has been exploring some of the fundamental problems of Iron Age technology and agriculture. Houses have been built, pits dug, iron and bronze smelted, pottery fired, fields cultivated, crops grown, bread baked, beer brewed, and animals reared and fed. In this way it has been possible to test the explanations and theories raised upon archaeological evidence. In reality, the Ancient Farm is a huge open-air scientific laboratory for research into prehistoric archaeology and agriculture.
This year at the A.G.M. there will be displays of work undertaken by members, Affiliated Societies and Subject Branches of the Society. Although we have had displays at other meetings, this is a new venture for the A.G.M. Members will have an opportunity to see and discuss with the exhibitors throughout the day some of the archaeological and historical work that is being carried out in the County. In addition, the K.A.S. Bookstall will be present and will include for sale a large number of past copies of Archaeologia Cantiana and Society Record publications.