KAS Photographic Competition 1983

Do you take good photographs? Would you like to see them appear in our Newsletter? If so, enter the first ever K.A.S. photographic competition. Good photographs are an essential part of all archaeological and architectural records. Here is your chance to let us all see what you can do.

All entries must be on a Kentish theme and they may be either prints or slides. There will be three categories of entry as follows:-

A. Field excavations (1) Prints, (2) Slides.

B. Architectural subjects (1) Prints, (2) Slides.

C. Individual objects (1) Prints, (2) Slides.


1. The competition is open to individual members, also entries may be submitted on behalf of Affiliated Societies and Institutional members.

2. Prints may be either in colour or black and white, and within the size range of 7" x 5", smallest, to 15" x 12" largest.

3. Prints should preferably be mounted, the largest size of mount being 15" x 12".

4. Captions must be tastefully displayed on the front of the mount, with any other information appearing on the back, including the name and address of the entrant.

5. A statement must be made as to the degree of involvement with the entry, e.g., commercially processed but self-printed.

6. Slides must be similarly noted and be ready for projection (titles must appear on the mount of the slide but other information may be submitted on a separate information sheet).

7. The right to free reproduction rests with the organizing body but copyright will be retained by the owner.

8. In addition to the six categories, an overall 'best' photograph will be selected.

9. Photographs will be judged by Mr A. C. Harrison, Hon. Gen. Sec., Rev. Robert Pitt, A.R.P.S., Victor Heppelthwaite, A.R.P.S., and Brian Tremaine, A.R.P.S., F.R.P.S., F.R.F.A.

10. All photographs/slides must be received by the Kent Archaeological Society, c/o E. P. Connell by 1st October 1983.

11. If return of entry is required, each entry must be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope and appropriate packaging material.

The winning entries in all categories will be printed in the January 1984 Newsletter.


Summer Excursion: Saturday 7th May


Archaeologia Cantiana