Archaeologia Cantiana

Of all the Society's activities, without doubt the most important has always been and continues to be that of publication. No activity, be it documentary research, archaeological excavation or field study, is of value unless and until it is published and its results made available to other workers in the same field.

Since 1857 the Society has published Archaeologia Cantiana which is now in its 98th volume. Published yearly and issued free to members, Archaeologia Cantiana is attractively bound in blue cloth, with gilt lettering and the Society's emblem embossed in gold on the front cover. Usually of some 300 pages, it reports on the activities of the year and contains papers, many of them illustrated, upon a wide variety of Kentish subjects. It is of international interest, being circulated to individual and Institutional members throughout the world. The high standard of each volume is maintained by the professional competence of our Honorary Editor, Mr Alec Detsicas, B.A., M.A., F.S.A., F.S.A.Scot, who has fulfilled this role since 1970.

Archaeologia Cantiana continues to be of extremely good value to members: the publication costs are still greater than the recently increased subscription rate. Volume 98 due to be published in late July, will include the following:-

N. Yates, Francis Henry Murray, Rector of Chislehurst; D.Sherlock, A Sun-dial Tile from St.Augustine's Abbey; J.Monaghan, An Investigation of the Romano-British Pottery Industry in the North Kent Marshes; R. White Danson Park, Bexley; F.Hull, The Domesday of Dover Castle; T.Tatton-Brown, The Topography and Buildings of Horton Manor; E.W.Parkin, The Old Court Hall, Lydd; C.J. Arnold, Excavations at Eastry Court Farm, Eastry; J.A.Davies, A Hoard of 'Radiate' Coins from Allington; J.D.Ogilvie, The Mammill Ritual Shaft; J.Boyle, The Loss and Recovery by Edward Hasted of his Estates; J.P.Hayes, Excavation in St. Bartholomew's Chapel, Chatham; T.P.Smith, The Geographic Pattern of Coaching Services; Interim Report by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Miscellaneous Notes, Reviews, etc.

For those interested in the study of the archaeology and history of Kent, the possession of a complete set of Archaeologia Cantiana comprises an enviable asset. Regrettably due to the scarcity of earlier volumes this is relatively uncommon. However for those wishing to obtain individual volumes, the Society frequently reacquires volumes of its publications which are offered for sale. The current prices from the Society are as follows:-

Vol.1, £20; Vol. 52 (Index), £30; Vols. 2 to 36, £6; Vols. 33 to 50, £4; Vols. 53 to 92, £2.50; Vols 93 to 97, £4.50.

As a guide most volumes come to hand at least once within any twelve month period. Please consult the list enclosed, or write to E.P.Connell for an up-to-date list of volumes for sale.


KAS Photographic Competition 1983


Romano-British Building in Snodland