Fieldwork Grants
Are you planning an excavation or fieldwork within the county of Kent during 1995? Grants are available from the KAS to assist with work carried out by Affiliated Societies or individual members. Applications on appropriate form (obtainable from Hon. General Secretary, Andrew Moffat, by 1st October 1994.
THE ALLEN GROVE LOCAL HISTORY FUND GRAN for 1995. Application forms and further information may be obtained from Hon. General Secretary, Andrew Moffa , address as above by 1st October 1994.
The Hon. Editor welcomes all letters, articles and communications and would particularly like to receive more research from members and others, especially requests for information, finds, books and related topics. The Editor wishes to draw readers' attention to the fact that neither the Council of the KAS, nor the Editor is answerable for opinions which contributors may express in the course of their signed articles. Each author is alone responsible for the contents and substance of their letters items or papers. Material for the next Newsletter should be sent by 1st, November 1994 to Hon. Editor, Nesta Caiger.
Editor's note: Urgent! I am very short of copy for January; 1995 issue of the Newsletter (Deadline 1st, November 1994) Please dont be modest - send me articles, news items, events, or anything you think might be of interest to KAS members. A grand opportunity to get your work or research into print!