Events, Outings, Lectures
Please refer to programme issued with last KAS Newsletter for full details. Lectures are held on Saturday afternoons at 2.30 pm at various venues. Admission by ticket from H. G. B. Coast. £1.50 for members. £2.00 for visitors. Cheques payable to the 'K.A.S. Lectures Account' or pay at the door.
Saturday, 14th January 1995. Building Stones of Kent by Vicky Golding at the Cathedral Education Centre, Canterbury.
Saturday, 18th February. Discoveries from Estate Records from North West Kent, by Margaret Roake, at St. Mary's Parish Hall, Stone near Dartford.
Saturday, 18th March. Thanet Shipping Trade 1680 - 1760 by Robin Craig, at St. Mary's Church Hall, Dieu Stone Lane, Dover.
Saturday, 29th April. The Lowy of Tonbridge by Tom Hollobone at the Assembly Room, Tonbridge Parish Church.
K.A.S. April Social evening and Barbecue. See enclosed leaflet.
Dover will be the location of our next Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 20th May 1995. The meeting will be held in the morning at Dover College, and there will be a visit to places of interest in Dover during the afternoon. Details will be sent to members in April. The Society would welcome displays by groups or individuals of their work and/or publications. Enquiries should be made to the Hon. General Secretary, Mr. A. I. Moffat.
Monday, 29th May to Sunday, 4th June 1995. All deposits of £65 must be received by 15th January. Final bookings can be taken up to that date, but not later. The balance of £320 each for a double room and £395 for a single room is required by 25th March. En route, we shall be making an overnight stay in the old capital of Brie, Provins, once the third greatest city in France. (Edmond of Lancaster took away its privileges as well as its symbolic red rose, hence the red rose of Lancashire). The town contains much fine early medieval architecture.
The major part of our visit, May 30th to June 4th, takes us to the unspoiled, fortified hill-top town of Semur-en-Auxois to stay in the three-star Hostellerie d' Aussois. Our coach will take us to Sens - Becket's home during his years of exile; Vezelay - with Richard I connections; to the A.O. 1118 Abbey of Fontenay, and to Beaune and to other historical sites, not forgetting a wine tasting at Chablis. For fuller details contact Joy Saynor.
(All-day Conference) Saturday, 8th April 1995. To be held at Queen Elizabeth's School, Faversham, 11 am to 5.30 pm on ASPECTS OF ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN FAVERSHAM AND KENT. An all-day event with illustrated lectures and guided tour. Morning Session: An Introduction to Faversham and its Creek, by Arthur Percival, followed by guided tours of the Creek and its environs.
Afternoon Session: Medieval Maritime Kent - the Archaeological Potential by Gillian Hutchinson. Faversham - Myth, Magic and Methodology. by Paul Wilkinson. A Sideways Look (Pollocks Shipyard and its Ships) by Anne Salmon.
Tickets from: C.K.A. 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, BR4 9DL. Price: All Day - £5, Morning or afternoon only: £3. S.A.E. Please.
Saturday, 22nd April 1995, 11.00 am to 5.00 pm at Medway Adult Education Centre, High Street, Rochester. Theme: The Implementation and Effects of PPG16.
Archaeologists working in Kent are cordially invited to this first Forum of Debate, organised by the Committee for Rescue Archaeology in Kent. Debate will centre around recent changes in archaeology with particular reference to PPG 16.
Keynote speakers should include a developer, a planner, a central government representative, a non-Kent unit director and Kent Archaeologists, both professional and amateur. Details and tickets (£2 and S.A.E.) from: Committee for Rescue Archaeology in Kent (C.R.A.K.) 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9DL.
Saturday, 4th February. The Golden Age of Canterbury Art. by Kenneth Whitehorn.
Saturday, 4th March. The Post-medieval Iron Industry in the Weald by Jeremy Hodgkinson.
Saturday, 13th May. The Development of Kentish Towns, 1650 - 1750 by Dr. Jacqueline Bower. Please phone Dr. Shirley Black for a brochure containing the full programme.
TWO-DAY CONFERENCE on the Prehistory of London on Saturday & Sunday, 28th & 29th January 1995 to be held at the Museum of London. Organised by SCOLA tickets price £20 (including tea, coffee and a wine reception on the Saturday evening) may be obtained from Jo Udall, Assistant Secretary SCOLA, Archaeology and Local History Section, 31 Stock Street, Plaistow, London E13 0BX. Cheques to be made out to SCOLA. SAE please.
TWO-DAY CONFERENCE on The Georgian Villa to be held at the Scientific Society's Lecture Theatre, 23 Savile Row, London W1. Further information from Dr. Dana Arnold at the Georgian Group, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY.
STUDY HOLIDAYS in Kent. Subjects include: Churches in the Kentish Landscape at Canterbury; Kent Houses and their Families at Canterbury. Prices range from £320 to £370. Further information from Andrea Nicholaides, Reservations Coordinator, Summer Academy, School of Continuing Education, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NX.