
I am at present engaged in research into the game called 'Merrills' or 'Nine Mens Morris' at the request of a French organization, GERSAR (Groupe d'Etudes, de Recherches, et de Sauvegarde de L' Art Rupestre). GERSAR are doing a survey of existing merrills throughout Europe and are also making a list of all known merrill-boards in Europe.

There are two sites reported in Kent. I recently visited them both and am writing to you for further information. The first one, in St. Mary in Castro, Dover, is a very complex board drawn on a large clay tile. I wondered if there is any information about its date and origins. Is it Roman, Norman, Medieval? Where was it originally placed?

The second site is in Canterbury cathedral. I arrived too near closing time and could only look briefly but am I correct in thinking that the board is of the type as illustrated - and that it is situated in the south-west corner of the cloisters, on the stone seating? I would be most grateful if you could give me any further information.

June Knowles.

The KAS Conference on Church Archaeology makes me wonder whether there is a call for occasional organised visits to our ancient churches. Judging by reports in Arch. Cant., this is a tradition of the KAS which seems largely to have died out.

Thus, if any interested member would like to contact me, we could perhaps try one or two informal visits which, if successful, might lead to further visits being advertised in the NEWSLETTER. I would also like to hear from any member who would be willing to guide such a group around a church of which they have particular knowledge.

D. E. Carder

I have recently been tracing Roman Roads in the area, using the published material of I. D. Margary as a reference.

Unfortunately, field observation has led me to question several suggested locations of routes described by the above and in some cases to find strong evidence for alternative routes, only very generally in the areas described.

I am currently attempting to locate positively the road from Sutton Valence to Ashford and would be pleased to hear from any Member who might share any interest in this or other roads in this area.

Mr. R. De Ste. Croix.


Events, Outings, Lectures


KAS Newsletter, Issue 29, Autumn 1994